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This year is 1 of the best years in my life, I moved in with my boyfriend and I have seen so many places I have never been before. Today we went boating with Charles' younger brother Arthur, a nice guy I think. Arthur wants to be a Formula 1 driver himself. "Are we going on any winter sports this year?" I hear Arthur ask Charles. "If it's up to me, yes." "Where do you want to go this year?" "No idea yet, let me get busy with the upcoming racing season first." "And with your girlfriend." "Don't worry about her." "You look happy." "I am happy." "From the kart track crush to your girlfriend you don't hear that very often." Catching this I turn from my towel for a moment and look at Charles. "Your go-kart track crush?" Arthur bursts into laughter and Charles looks away for a moment. "Did you lie to me?" I ask teasingly. "Maybe." "Come on Charles, you were always talking about her." Charles gestures to Arthur that he better shut up, I burst into laughter. 

After the boat trip, I teased Charles a bit about how he had a crush on me for some time as well. "Say that again and I'll come get you." "Say what again? Oh your go-kart track crush!" I say challenging him. "Okay now you're asking for it." I stand on the other side of the couch so he can't get to me, we run a few laps around the couch, I want to run back the other way but Charles outsmarts me, he lifts me up and puts me on his shoulder. "What did you say?" "I didn't say anything." I giggle. "I suppose I should punish you." "Sounds exciting." "You hope so." Charles grabs me by the waist to hold me on his shoulder as he walks. "What are we going to do?" "You'll see in a minute." I hear the bedroom door open and I have some idea what's coming. Quietly I am placed back on the floor, I feel his arms slide around my waist and I am drawn against him, I smell his perfume, the scent always makes me feel safe. "So what did you say?" "I said your kart track crush." I say with a challenging undertone in my voice. Without any other words from Charles I feel his lips come into my neck, this is exactly what I had hoped for to end the day.

When I wake up the next morning Charles is already out of bed, wearing one of his shirts I walk to the kitchen. "Good morning my love, would you like some coffee?" I nod yes and he pours a cup for me. "Shall we go for a walk today?" He asks as I take the cup. "Yes seems nice." We've had a busy few weeks and I like the fact that now we can get back to doing something together. Charles makes me breakfast. After breakfast we quickly get into the shower. After getting dressed we get in the car, Charles drives to a quiet forest where we can walk around in peace. He holds my hand and together we walk along the gravel path surrounded by trees and the smell of the nature makes everything so much better. "I wish every day could be like this." I say after walking for a while. "Me too, just thinking about nothing for a while, just you and me and the rustle of the wind through the trees." We stay still and Charles pulls me close to him, I lay my head against his chest and hear his heartbeat. "I don't think I've ever been this happy." He whispers, I get a kiss and smile at him. On the way back home we stop somewhere to go look at Charles' old race cars. I am looking down the hall when I am called. "Honey look!" When I turn around I see Charles standing on one leg on a tire of the race car. "Babe you can't stand on that old car!" "Why not, it's my car." "And I know you want to keep the car this way!" "You know me to well, I love you." "I love you too baby." I give him a kiss on the cheek.

When we get back home I get a call from Max, he asks if Charles and I want to come to his place for dinner tonight. I consult with Charles for a moment and then agree, I haven't seen Max in a while and we will have plenty to tell each other.

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