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With a bowed head and sunglasses on I walk down the pit lane, everything has changed so much in a short time after my kiss with Charles, we started dating and made it just a little too late last night so I had to rush today to get back to Max on time. "Tough night?" Max asks as I walk into his pit box. "Got a little late." I say with a crooked smile. "Aha y/n nice that you can be there today too." The sarcasm in my uncle's voice is evident. My uncle is not happy that Charles and I have started dating and he likes to show it. "Come on dad don't be a dick to her." Max stands up for me and gets an angry look from his father. "Thanks Max, don't worry about it too much." I don't want it on my conscience that Max and his dad are going to get into a fight later because of my choices. I knew far in advance that this was going to cause friction in the family, only I chose for myself and what feels right for me.

Max put up another great race as always, my attention was with Charles the whole race and he too showed that he has sincerely earned his place in Formula 1. When everyone is busy getting the cars in I see my chance to slowly walk away from Max's pit box, I grab my cell phone from my pocket and send Charles a spicy text. I enjoy teasing him, his responses to my messages are always great. As I am on my way to Charles' pit box to try to sneak in there unseen, he sends me back a message. 'You know where to find me babygirl.' I smile and get a weird but pleasant feeling in my stomach. When I arrive at the pitboxes of the Alfa Romeo (which had changed its name from Sauber to Alfa Romeo at the beginning of this season) it is very quiet, there are some unfamiliar people walking around who I have never seen before, quickly I make my way to Charles' dressing room, before going in I look around to see if there is really no one who could have seen me.

Charles looks over as he hears the door to his dressing room close. "You got here fast." "Yes I walked quickly away from Max when everyone was too busy getting the cars inside." "Can you lock the door please? Then I can get changed." I lock the door and then sit down on the couch located in the corner of the small room, I watch carefully as he takes off his racing suit. I feel my thighs pressing together as he takes off his shirt, this is the first time I have seen him like this and I like it, unconsciously I bite my bottom lip. Charles turns around and sees me staring at him. "Who came to tease who now?" I feel my cheeks turn red and he smiles, he takes a few steps in my direction and holds out his hand, I take it and am helped up off the couch, I feel his arms come around my waist as he pulls me close to him. "I've never seen anyone look at me the way you do." He whispers softly in my ear, his voice causes me to shiver, I wrap my arms around his neck and feel his lips against my neck. Gently he kisses my neck. "Don't, you know I can't stand that." Charles doesn't listen and continues what he is doing, I throw my head back and enjoy his touch. After I slide my hands along his chest a few times he suddenly stops what he is doing. "How about we finish this at my place? I don't think here is a good idea with your uncle and everyone around." "It would have seemed exciting to me, but I think you're right." I hadn't wanted my first time to happen in a locker room either, it must be sincere and romantic.


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