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I waddle through the paddocks on my way to see Max, I am now 6 months pregnant and I feel like a penguin, I have had a lot of support these past few weeks from Kelly and Victoria, I find it all very exciting what awaits us, all we know is that we are going to have a baby boy and thankfully he is healthy. "You shouldn't walk so much." Says Max to me when I get to him. "I know that but I just wanted to wish you luck as I always do." When I want to give Max a hug I notice the baby is kicking and I look at him a little uncomfortably. "You okay?" "Yes, the little man is kicking again." "I can't wait to see him." Max is just as enthusiastic as Charles and l am. "I hope he's going to have his father's jawline." Max laughs before putting on his helmet. "Good luck today." I give him a hug and waddle back to the Ferrari boxes. "There you are. I've been looking for you." "Sorry I was just walking over to Max, I don't walk very fast these days with that belly getting in the way." Charles puts his hand on my belly and again I feel the baby kick. "Did he just kick me?" I laugh. "He's very active today." I wish Charles luck today with the race and then sit down somewhere, the pregnancy is making me very tired but I am so curious to see what the little guy is going to look like. 

Right after the race a lot of people from the press come running up to Charles, many people don't even ask questions about his race anymore but are more concerned with wanting to know all about our baby and if we already know what we are going to name him. We decided to name him Hervé, as a tribute to his father, but since we don't want to tell the media everything yet, I hear Charles say that we are still thinking about names. My feet hurt from this day and I am tired. I want to go home as soon as possible, but I know that this is not possible. I hear the media people asking him questions about our engagement and we have decided to postpone our wedding until the baby is born. "That will take some time, we want to welcome the baby first and then we will see." I see that Charles is no longer in the mood for all these questions and tries to get away as quickly as possible.

When we finally get back home I'm so tired, I kick off my shoes and without saying anything to Charles I walk through to the bedroom where I drop onto the bed. "You're tired huh? I told you you could stay home." "No, I don't want to miss everything. That way the little guy gets used to the sounds of the track right away." Charles joins me on the bed next to me and puts his hand on my stomach. "Little trouble maker." He whispers to my belly. I smile and still feel as happy as the first day Charles and I became a thing. "I can't wait to hold the little guy in my arms." "Me neither, I want to see him so badly, I hope he is as handsome as his father." Charles gives me a kiss on my forehead. "Get some rest. I'll take care of dinner." Just after Charles walks out of the room I fall asleep.

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