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2021 was a great year for me, together with Charles I got to experience so many beautiful moments and I have never been happier. We decided to celebrate New Year's with Max and Kelly. As soon as we step inside, little Penelope comes running towards us. At the sight of the little girl I begin to notice that I am also ready to take an extra step in life, so this is a good topic to talk about with Charles when we get home. Charles picks her up and greets her, Penelope smiles and starts babbling to him. It makes my heart melt to see him like this. When Max is in the kitchen with Charles I talk to Kelly for a bit. "He's really good with her, don't you think?" Kelly asks when she sees Penelope running towards Charles again. "Yeah it's really sweet to see." "Wouldn't you like one though? I think you guys would have really cute kids." I laugh for a moment. "I would love to but we've never talked about it." "I think you guys are more than ready. I would talk to him about it." I look at him for a moment and hear Penelope laugh, she looks happy. "Didn't Max find it difficult actually that you already had a child?" "At first yes, of course he is not her real father but he does his best to give her everything he can." I talk about children with Kelly for a while and the longer we talk about this topic the more I start to realize that I really want this.

The evening grew late and Max made a bed for us. "You're not going to drive anymore it's way too late for that, you just stay here and sleep." He had said, he was right, with the fireworks outside and with both of us already having had a few drinks, this was the wisest choice. Max and Kelly made sure we got clothes to sleep in and went to bed around 4. "What have you been thinking about all night honey?" Charles asks as I lay down with him. "I was actually going to start talking about this when we got home but I guess now is as good a time as any." I tell him about how I find him so cute when he's busy with Penelope and that I'm ready to take an extra step in our relationship myself. "Are you sure you want this? Because I would love nothing more than to have a baby with you. Just imagine how cute it would be." I'm glad we feel the same way, after all these years of being with each other it's now time to add someone extra. The next day before we return home I tell Kelly the good news and she crosses her fingers for us that it will work out soon. I can still see Charles whispering to Max. We leave when they are done talking.

 Unfortunately, getting pregnant turns out to be more difficult than expected, we have been at it for almost a year and every time I thought it would be all right and I took a test it turned out time and time again that it wasn't. Towards the end of the year we had almost given up hope. I have been a few days past due and with the last bit of hope I had left I took another test. When I saw the result I could hardly believe it. I couldn't believe that the test was finally positive. This is the best present we could have gotten this year, I want to run to Charles to tell him the good news but then I realize he is not home, he went shopping today for the last things before Christmas. I search through the house for something I could wrap my test in so I could give it to it tonight as a gift, I am anxious to see his reaction. I am so happy that I immediately share the good news with Kelly, she responds happily and Max in the background is also happy with the news. "Now all that remains is to get married." I hear him say. I laugh at his comment, he is right though the only thing left to do now is get married, but that is not for me to ask that question. After the dinner that Charles made especially for Christmas Eve for us, it's finally time to start unwrapping the Christmas presents, I can't wait to see his reaction. I am very happy with everything he gave me the best gift was the romper for our baby, this makes me feel good to see that he is as serious about this as I am. "I think that was it." "I think I have one more gift, I deliberately saved that for last." Charles looks at me full of hope, I walk to the kitchen to grab my present, when I come back I suddenly see Charles on his knees. "What is this?" I ask a little surprised, I see him take a box out of his pocket, I slap my hands in front of my mouth and don't really know how to give myself an attitude, I hadn't seen this coming at all and thought I was the only one who had planned a surprise for this evening. "y/n I've known you for so long now and we've been through so much together, I couldn't imagine what I would do without you, I love you so much and I hope we have many more beautiful moments together. Sweetheart will you marry me?" Charles flips open the box and I see a beautiful ring, I am silent for a moment and tears are in my eyes. "Yes, yes, yes I would like nothing more than that!" Charles stands up and grabs my hand, the ring slides effortlessly on my finger, I take a closer look at it and I forget that I have another gift for him as well. "You had something you wanted to give me as well?" "Ow yes! Look!" I hand him my wrapped test. As he unwraps it I see his eyes widen. "Is this for real?" "Yes honey, this is real, this is from today." For a moment there is silence. "I can't believe it! How wonderful!" Charles gives me a huge hug and almost lifts me off the ground.

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