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Charles and I have been in secret for almost a year before we officially announce that we have a relationship. The only one who knew about it. Max because Charles came by regularly to pick me up to do something, it was hard to keep the paparazzi at a distance, especially after the end of Charles' first race season and the transition to Ferrari. I was afraid of my uncle's reaction but to my surprise he took it well, not warmly but he has accepted it. "But will you now also go to Ferrari there pitboxes to look at  Charles." Max asks a few weeks before the season starts again. "I don't think Redbull would let me go there with the knowledge I have about our cars." "That's nonsense, as long as you don't say anything there shouldn't be a problem." "I wasn't going to say anything, I'm just going over there to watch Charles." I smile when I say his name. "You really like him don't you?" "Yeah, I've never been happier." "It shows in you you're absolutely glowing." For a moment I don't really know what to say to Max, it's thanks to him I did get to know Charles. "Has my dad let you know yet that your dad is coming this way too?" "No and I haven't heard from him myself either." Max puts his hand in front of his mouth. "Sorry it was a surprise then that he would be there at the first race this season."

The last few weeks before the first race of the season go by quickly, my father has flown over to see me but especially Max. I asked Charles to stop by Max's place so he could meet my dad. Together with him and Max we sit on Max's couch and we wait for Jos to return from the airport. "I'm a little nervous though y/n." Whispers Charles in my ear. "Don't worry, my father is a sweet man." I whisper back. After a few minutes the door is opened and Jos and my father walk in, I look at my father smiling and stand up to give him a hug, he clasps my tightly in his arms and I am told how much he has missed me. "Dad may I introduce you to Charles Leclerc, my boyfriend." My dad laughs out loud, then shakes Charles' hand. "I could have seen this coming years ago, my daughter has always liked you, good to know that it's mutual." "Dad!" I say as he tells my biggest secret in front of everyone, in the corner of my eye I see Charles laughing and he puts a hand on my leg and gently squeezes it. Charles decides to return home after a while, and even though my father is there, I would like to go with him. "Is it a problem if I go with Charles?" "No certainly not dear, do what you want you are old enough to decide that for yourself, if I do see a bit before I fly home again." "Will do dad! I'll see you guys tomorrow!"

"Your father is a very different man compared to his brother." "I know, my father is at peace with it as long as I am happy, besides he is already quite happy that I finally went with him into the side of motor sports." We both laugh and both know it wasn't just motorsports I was interested in. When we arrive at Charles' house it is already quite late and we go straight to bed. In bed we talk to each other for a while. "y/n tell me, how many times have you lied to me about not liking me." "I think twice, the first time was at the very beginning when I was just getting to know you and the second time was when Daniel told you I liked you." "Why did you lie to me then?" "I don't know, I was afraid you wouldn't like me and that I would ruin our friendship with that. The first time you asked I barely knew you, I thought you looked nice but didn't know anything else about you." Charles turns around and just in the dark I can still look at him, he strokes his hand along my cheek. ""Silly girl, if I hadn't liked you I wouldn't have made so much effort to keep in touch with you over the years, I've always been jealous of Max that he could be with you every day, especially when you guys moved in here together, honestly I'm glad we made the choice to walk into that club a year ago and maybe both had just a little too much to drink because otherwise who knows we might still be circling around each other right now." Charles pulls me into his arms and gives me a kiss on my forehead, I feel happy and safe with him, it doesn't take long for me to fall asleep in his arms.

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