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A/N This chapter contains Smut.

After this afternoon in Charles' locker room, my thoughts have been with this evening all day, I am nervous and not so sure what to expect. Charles lets me in when I ring his doorbell, I have done my best to look good this evening. As I walk in to Charles' house the smell of freshly made pasta pesto comes to me. "You made dinner?" I say a little surprised. "Don't be like that, I like to take care of you." Charles says with a smile. "How sweet of you." I follow him to the kitchen where I sit at the bar and watch him as he adds the last things to the food before it is ready. "You make me nervous when you look at me like that the whole time." Says Charles as he finishes our plates. "Sorry, I can't help it, all I've done after this afternoon is think about you." "I think we can eat!" I am handed a plate and I grab it, his food smells delicious. "Would you like a drink?" "Do you have any wine?" "White?" "Yes fine." Charles pours us both a glass of white wine and comes and sits next to me at the bar. "Bon appetit." Says he and together we start dinner, Charles makes some more oblique remarks to me and it is clear he is challenging me. 

After dinner we went to see a movie, or well we didn't see much of the movie. "That was a good movie." I say laughing. "Totally agree." Charles laughs too. I look at him for a moment and start to smile. "What's funny?" "Nothing, you make me happy that's all." Charles strokes a strand of hair out of my face and then kisses me gently, I kiss him back and put my arms around his neck, I feel his arms come around my waist and I am pulled into his lap without effort. "Shall I finish what I started this afternoon?" He whispers in my ear, again his voice gives me a shiver, I let my tongue slide along my bottom lip, all afternoon I have been longing for this moment, I feel Charles' soft lips come against my neck, I throw my head back and enjoy his touch. I notice that I am pressing my thighs together again and this does not go unnoticed by Charles. He looks at me for a moment and I am lifted up, without any effort he walks me to his bedroom, in front of his bed he sets me down again. "I never thought this was ever going to happen." He puts his finger to my lips and I look at him longingly.

I never expected this day to ever come, but here I am, naked on Charles' bed. My eyes totally focused on his bared upper body. "So you thought it was wise to tease me like this?" Says he as he hovers above me, I can only smile at him, the butterflies in my stomach working overtime. Gently he kisses me on my lips and then sinks further and further down, just at the lower edge of my belly he stops. "Don't stop." I say almost pleadingly, after saying this I feel his tongue sliding along my clit, it feels warm and good, I hook my fingers in his hair and let him do his thing, my breathing gets heavier, when I feel his fingers entering me I can't suppress a moan. When he comes up after a while I can hardly hold it any longer. "I want you." Charles bites his bottom lip and kisses me again, I let my hands explore his body as he plays with my breasts. I can't hold it any longer and hook my fingers in the edge of his boxer, for a moment I hesitate my decision but my lust for him takes over, I want him so badly I want to know what he must feel like when he is inside me, slowly I pull his boxer down and let my hands explore that area too.

I stroke his shaft a few times wondering if this is going to fit, I start to move my hand a little faster and I feel him moan into my mouth. His tongue seeks access to my mouth and I let him, a fight for dominance isn't really there, Charles lets me know he knows what he is doing and I allow it. For a moment he teases me by sliding his dick along my entrance a few times, I moan. "Please." I now beg. "Please what?" He says teasingly. "I want you inside of me." "You're sure about that?" "Yes, please." I feel him put his dick against my entrance and gently force it, I am so wet that it slides in without effort. Slowly he begins to move, I feel it hurt a little. "If I hurt you, you tell me." I nod my head. When I get used to his size after a while I let him know and he picks up the pace. I groan with every move he makes, never have I felt so good. I feel his breathing getting heavier and he is reaching his climax, I on the other hand can go on for a while and I am grabbed more firmly by my hips and pushed hard over his dick when I tell him this, my breathing is getting faster and heavier until I cum over his dick, this pulls him over the line and I feel him cum in me.

Charles drops onto the bed beside me and we both need a moment to catch our breath again. He is therefore the first to get up again. "Come then let's take a shower." He holds out a hand to me and I take it. Together we step into the shower, Charles takes good care of me he washes my hair and my body, after the shower he helps me dry off and I get some clothes from him to sleep in. Lying in bed next to him I lay my head on his chest, Charles plays with my hair and it makes me sleepy. "y/n I love you." He whispers to me. "I love you too Charles." I whisper back before I fall asleep.

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