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I would like to thank everyone who took the time to have read my very first short story ever. I don't know if any people would like a sequel to this story, if so please let me know. This was also my first story in English that I wrote, it may not have gone completely flawless but I hope you were able to read over that. I will try my best to work on my spelling even more in the future!

Personally I had a lot of fun making this story, it may be a little too sweet and without action but this is seriously how I could imagine a relationship with this man could be. Besides, this is still a fanfaction, I am not trying to sexualize drivers or mean other weird things with this. I haven't felt as good about writing a story myself in ages as I had with this one.

By writing this story I have come across myself, writing this story has given me more clarity in choices I could never have made before. Do I have high standards? No, certainly not. I have clarified some things in my private situation. At times this story can be a bit too sweet but behind every made up scenario there is a grain of truth, we must not forget that.

I hope you were able to enjoy this short story as much as I enjoyed writing it, please do let me know what you thought of it and be sure to let me know if you would like part 2 of this story!

Lots of love to everyone who read my story!

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