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Before the race starts I quickly walk over to Max to wish him luck, something I always do when I'm not watching him. I get a hearty hug from Max when I'm with him. "Do you know what you're going to do yet?" "What do you mean?" "Are you going to live with Charles?" Upon hearing his name, a smile comes to my face. "Seeing you like this I guess the choice wasn't very hard for you?" I shake my head. "You mustn't think I'm leaving you behind!" Max laughs. "Sure not silly, I can see how happy you guys are together!" "I'm going to miss you though." "Me too, but my door is always open to you, well enough sentimental stuff, let's go racing!" "Good luck with the race Max!" "Will do, say hi to Charles from me!" I walk back to the Ferrari boxes and see Charles talking to Sebastian, as I approach I gesture with my hands to Sebastian not to say anything, he nods at me. When I am close enough behind Charles I poke my fingers in his side and he flinches. Sebastian and I start laughing hard. "Ow, you wait!" Says Charles as he pulls me against him.

The race ended well for Max and Charles, both were able to grab a podium spot, in the meningte I walked with the Ferrari crew to go look at the podium, when Charles sees me he gives me a wink. Max gives a quick wave to me and I wave back. When all the fuss is over again I walk to Charles' dressing room, before he gets here he has to do some interviews and I have some time to think about how I am going to tell him I am coming to live with him. Right after I think of something he comes walking in, I get up to hug him, he feels warm and his hair is slightly damp from sweating. "That was wonderful baby." Charles says nothing and presses his lips to mine. "Have I already told you how much I love you today." "Yes many times." Again I get a kiss. "Charles, can we stop by Max's tomorrow?" "Sure, why?" "I have to pick up some stuff over there." "Does this mean you'll take me up on my offer?" "Yeah, it wasn't really a very hard decision, you make me happy and I want to be with you every day." "You just made my day even better." I smile at him and enjoy how happy he is.

It is 2021 when all the paper work of me moving is finally all in order. I drop onto the couch next to Charles and sigh. "What is it?" "I didn't know it was going to be such a hassle with all that paperwork, when Max and I came here my uncle had already taken care of everything." "It's all taken care of now anyway, now you can go back to doing things for yourself in peace." I yawn and look at the clock, it's almost time to eat so I won't have much time to myself. "I was thinking of ordering food today, you've had a hard day and I don't feel like cooking if I'm honest." It's as if Charles can read my mind. " I couldn't agree more!" We order pizza and I turned on a television series. Charles doesn't understand anything about the series, and I keep having to explain everything to him. "Vampires and werewolves? I don't know what you're watching but it's too difficult for me." I laugh as I got up to open the door to receive the pizzas, when I walk back in suddenly top gear is on. "That's not fair." I say and I stick my tongue out at him, he laughs and I hand him his pizza. We ended up watching top gear all evening and making plans for things we would like to do in the coming year.

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