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A bright morning, had brought on a new hope for everyone. With birds chirping and the breeze singing, no one could have ever thought of anything but TRANQUILITY.

But, that was not the case for our Yiling Patriarch. For right now, early in the morning, his dear husband had taken the moment to fulfill their promise of 'EVERYDAY'.

It's not like, Wei Wuxian, did not like it. In fact he very much craved for it. But the problem was, his husband, though no one would have imagined the extremely expressionless Hanguang Jun to be such a passionate beast on the bed, had already taken him so many times throughout the night, that he now had no more strength. But surprisingly, Lan Wangji was still excited as hell.

He groaned as Lan Zhan had once again hit that sensitive point inside him.

'Hanguang Jun, p..please have some mercy on this lowly one. I have no more strength, ah.....' Wei Ying cried out in pleasure once more, as LanZhan bit his pulse point while grabbing his butt tightly.

Lan Zhan- (panting and still thrusting) No. Wei Ying can take it. Everyday means everyday. And we have lots to do today. So 'everyday ' has to be done now.

Wei Ying could say no more as his plump lips were taken into a hard kiss, while he went into his own musings....

A few days ago, while working on his inventions and daily tinkerings, he thought of something, his little radishes had said.

Lan Shizui, 'Xian- gege, would it have been better, if we had the future knowledge, that we have now?'

Wei Wuxian, 'Huh'?

Lan Jingyi, 'What he means to say, senior Wei is that, if you had the knowledge of the future that has happened, could you have, may be saved your loved ones, like.... (glancing at Jin Ling, who was already contemplating too much) your Shijie, or may be even the ghost general or the innocent Wens. You would not even have to die, you just have to punish the villains and even Jin- gongzi could have been saved.'

'It would be better, not to dwell in the past', surprisingly, it came from, none other than Jin Ling, 'Look, I know if we had knowledge, it could have happened. But now we don't. And that's practically impossible. So giving ourselves such hope would only make us disappointed in the end. It's better to live in the present.'

Wei Wuxian was emotional, yet he felt so happy. He could see the shadow of his Shijie in this nephew of his.

'A- Ling  come here', called Wei Wuxian, and hugged him while whispering, 'I am proud of you and I am sure Shijie would be too.'

And that was enough for him.

But right now, while working on his talismans and arrays, he made a life-changing discovery. The presence of multiple universe. And that gave him the idea to actually send so.e knowledge of future to that universe, so that at least in one universe, there could be a Jin Ling, who could have both his parents alive and have a beautiful life.

He shared his findings with Lan Zhan, immediately after he came back for his Chief Cultivator duties.

Well nobody else was as righteous as the mighty Hanguang Jun and thus he was the Chief Cultivator. Learning of his findings, Lan Zhan was so happy. Though his face didn't show much changes, but his eyes had softened and he had taken him hard, right there in his lab, rendering him a moaning mess, by the end of it.

The next day, they had shared the news with Master Lan, who had by now accepted Wei Wuxian, though a bit grudgingly in the initial days. He and the rest of the elders decided to call upon the Jiang and the Nie sects for an emergency discussion and about sending information into the past.

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