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It was a sunny morning, but a beautiful weather. It was like a fresh breath of air, in the summers. Something was different. And even the common people could feel it.

Wei Wuxian, as always was teasing Lan Zhan about the rabbits, when he pushed him down the window of the Library Pavillion and was about to close it when, he saw Wei Wuxian disappearing mid-flight. Panic clutched his heart, as he saw him fading away and shouted his lungs out, even though noise was forbidden at Cloud Recess, 'WEI YING'.

Hearing his shout everyone came rushing, only to see a panic stricken Lan Wangji staring at nothing.

Lan Qiren- Wangji, what happened? Why did you shout? You know right, it's against the rules? Wangji.... (Raising his voice a bit)

Lan Zhan could only mutter, 'Wei Ying', before he too started fading away. Lan Qiren and Lan Zichen panicked seeing him fading away, while Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang who had heard him mutter Wei Ying's name, looked ahead in horror. It's like time stopped, right at that moment. And many people faded out from their daily existence, only to appear in a room, as lavish as one could think of. But they were all from the great sects, so it was nothing much, but still confused them.

Turning around, they all were surprised to see each other. They were all the main family of the great sects, except the Wens. This confused them, for Wen Ruohan was the Chief Cultivator.

'Lan Zhan', they heard someone call out cheerfully. Wangji turned around only to see Wei Ying sitting comfortably on the couch and grinning at them all. Lan Zhan, literally felt like he was breathing again, he had been so scared when he saw him fading away. It was like he faded away from existence. And that was something, he would never be able to handle, even though, he was still confused about his feeling regarding the boy.

It was only his extremely practiced self restrain, that had allowed him to reign in his instinct to run and pull him into a tight hug. But before he could think any more, he heard someone shout.

'Wei Wuxian... how dare you??? What the hell do you think you are doing? Is this how you new strategy to pull down the Jiang Sect with your good for nothing actions.....'

But before Madam Yu could continue her onslaught, a sound came from behind her, "It's not good for nothing. It is the best you could get"

They all turned around the and saw a white cloth wide enough to cover an entire wall, to see Lan Zhan on it, who had spoken. They were all looking wide eyed at the projection, not knowing, what to expect.

Then all of a sudden a man, looking almost identical to Wei Wuxian, came into the screen grinning, "Hi everyone. Okay so you are all confused. And I know it. Lan Zhan.. (Turning to see his husband), please calm down. It's fine.'

'No. It's not. Wei Ying doesn't deserve hate. He is the best.' Though childish, yet their was a certain aura with his voice that none would be able too deny it. But they were all shocked to see that the person called Wei Ying on the screen looked so different, yet so similar to their Wei Wuxian.

'Hey, Wei Ying is me. Lan Zhan, though you don't look much different, yet how can I look so different and what about all this arrangement. Did you time travel or what?' Wei Wuxian asked eagerly.

Wei Ying on the screen laughed, 'Off course, if anybody could guess, it would have to be you, little me. As to, why I look so different, you will get your answers soon. But before that, let me clarify all your doubts.

So as you have guessed, you are right, we are from the future. But at this moment, when you are standing, after the memory viewing, your time line would branch out, into a parallel universe. It would not be affecting us in anyway. Though we might converse with your like this,,or we might be able to come and meet you all, once I have worked out the kinks of the array.

Now let's come too the main part. (He continued, after seeing the shocked silence on the audience's faces) So, the future you are going to see, was something, my timeline has seen and has suffered through. Though I don't regret any of my choices, some might. So this is a chance to fix your timeline, so that there are no mindless killings and innocent people have a chance to live the life and care for their loved ones.

But.... theirs a problem. The elders of the different clans here, in their haste have connected this memory viewing to the Wens too. (An audible gasp from the audience) Though not every Wen is a tyrant (Nie Mingjue bristled in indignation), you may have change your battle plans, if it comes to the war, we are trying to avoid in your timeline. I hope you all can resort to only verbal arguments and keep your mind open while watching. Good Luck. Will see you soon.'

And before anyone could say anything more, the screen blanked out and the Wens appeared; Wen Ruohan, Wen Qing, Wen Ning and Wen Xu.

They were shocked to see the audience there, 'Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng, Jiang Yanli, Jiang Fengmian, Madam Yu, Lan Qiren, QihengJun, Lan Zhan, Lan Zichen, Jin Guangshan, Jin Zixuan, and Madam Jin.

To be honest, the most shocking thing was to see QinghengJun out of his seclusion after so many years. Though none pointed it out, but they all at least glanced at him once or twice, especially Lan Zhan and Lan Zichen. It was weird to see their father among so many people. But he was just sitting their quietly looking at the blank screen. But Lan Qiren could tell, that his brother was contemplating the situation and all the information that was told.

His musings were interupted, when Wen Chao opened his mouth, "What is all this? How dare you all prank the greatest sect like this..."

But before he could go on, a voice reverberated in the room, 'Wen Chao. Shut that disgusting mouth of your right now. What is going to be show now, is your action and its consequences in the future. If you don't, then you will be kicked out of the room, losing your only chance to know the future. We don't want the world to come to despair, only because you would not learn to use your brain.'

The Wens could only contemplate in silence and confusion, when the lights went out and none could see the other. Their was panic for a second, before a dim light came and sounds, which felt like swords slashing and clanging against one another, were heard. And suddenly something else was heard, something that literally shook them all.

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