Chapter- 11 (INTERLUDE 1.0)

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Once the juniors made an exit, QinghengJun called up his sons and brother for private meeting. Though, Xichen and WangJi had wanted to make some more bonding time with Jiang Siblings, buy they knew, talking out with their father was also important. So they both followed him and their uncle to another room.

Meanwhile in the future timeline....

The juniors had come out of their array room, with a bit of emotional baggage. The things they had witnessed wasn't new to them, but the reactions the past members had, was emotuonally grating. So they went in search of their Wei Quianbei.


Years into the future, this place no longer held the peaceful aura it radiated simultaneous of the first Jade. Now, it held the pain, and shell of a heartbroken man. Until a few days ago, even the serenity of Cloud Recess couldn't mellow down the sadness it radiated. But since the last few days, something had changed slightly, all thanks to Sect Leader Jiang.

At this moment, both the sect leaders were sitting with a cup of tea discussing the miracle that Wei WuXian had created. Though, it wasn't easy for Sect Leader Jiang to break the seclusion of the First Jade. No one knew, what had prompted Zewu Jun to give an audience to Sandu Shengshou of all people, those few days ago. And since then, it's been like a ritual for both of them to sit together at this time and just talk.

When Jiang WanYin had seen Zewu Jun for the time those few days ago, he had literally staggered on his feet for he felt as if the soul had been sucked out of Xichen, and the first thing that came out of his lips was, 'Fuck'!!!

Though he immediately clamped his mouth and began a stuttering apology, somehow, his reaction had set off something in ZeWu-Jun and he bursted out laughing. It was wierd to see the husk of his previous immaculate form, laugh so openly. Jiang WanYin stood there speechless, for he had no more idea why he had come there. It was for the first time, he had seen the unbridled laughter of ZeWu-Jun and ot was no more a mystery why was ranked first in the list of prospective grooms. Even in this state, his laugh was beauty on its own.

A few moments later when they had finally settled at the table, he looked around Hanshi on a clear distaste. Why does a person in Cloud Recess has such a bare room, when he could have at least decorated it with a few trinkets, just to stray away from the sad thoughts for a few hours, was beyond him.

A chuckle in front of him told him, that he had spoken those words out loud. Closing his eyes in frustration, and embarrassment he took a deep breath and opened his mouth to say something when ZeWu-Jun beat him to it, 'To what do I get the pleasure of bringing Sandu Shengshou on my door?'

'Well, try for Wei WuXian being a lunatic and sending information from this point of time to our past selves and almost creating time travel in the process.' Jiang WanYin spoke sarcastically, yet there was a certain vulnerability in his voice, which ZeWu-Jun couldn't miss.

He literally jerked at his place when he heard WanYin speak of his brother-in- law's bew invention. He knew that the boy was genius, but this..... He sighed, 'Aiyah, why do I even get surprised, when he can create a new branch of cultivation, when he can come back after dying, create a fierce corpse with consciousness, literally, i dont think anything is impossible for him. When he could cut out his golden core and give it away, it should be clear....'

Xichen stopped immediately and winced when he remembered, in front of who was he spouting the last fact. It was a sensitive issue for them. He immediately apologized, 'I am sorry Sect Leader Jiang. I... I... meant no disrespect. It's just... (Giving out a frustrating sigh) I don't know what I am doing half the days anymore. I mind has muddled up. Seclusion should help me clear the haze in my mind, by its doing the opposite. And I have no idea what to do anymore....'

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