Sad yet Regretful Past

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Its has been 5 years that caroline caught klaus and Hayley slept together after she find out she pregnant with klaus kids..and so was Hayley and worse her friends elena and bonnie are pregnant by elijah and Kol Mikaelson even sage...

5 years ago in New Orleans, caroline find out she got after she and klaus has sex in the tree at mystic fall she went to new Orleans to tell klaus about the news..

In the Mikaelson Mansion (caroline knock the door and saw Rebekah after she open the door, Rebekah look furious yet confused to why caroline in N.O not M.F)
Rebekah: what to you want??
Caroline: well hello to you too, have u seen klaus?
Rebekah:(smirk) well he seem busy at the moment upstairs and (frown) what are u doing here?? Aren't u supposed to be with that mutt boyfriend of yours, Tyler??! After u told my brother to never come back and never returned his feelings!!
Caroline: look i'm sorry for breaking your brother heart but I am here for one reason
Rebekah: oh and what that??
Caroline: i'm pregnant
While Rebekah stand quietly blink twice before proceeding
Rebekah: YOU'RE WHAT??? THAT IMPOSSIBLE your a vampire and vampire can't procreate (confused)
Caroline: that what I thought but after dozen of pregnancy test and it's come out positive and my doctor who knew about supernatural says that I could be possibly pregnant and it's klaus.
(At first Rebekah didn't believe her until she the heartbeat sound inside caroline stomach)
Rebekah(still speechless but proceeds): so u are pregnant with klaus.. wh- what?? How??
Caroline: it's a long story even sage,elena and bonnie is pregnant too
Rebekah: WHAT??!! THEM TOO?? HOW?? AND SAGE??
While Rebekah busy stuttering and being speechless caroline went upstairs
Caroline: so where klaus room??

(After Rebekah recover from being speechless and saw caroline went upstairs to find klaus..uh oh she has to get her before things get worst..)
Rebekah: bloody hell caroline u can't go in there (after caroline find klaus room) but too late now

While I open the door I was shock I saw klaus kissing Haley and fucked her with moaning with each other names and I felt tears in my eye while watching them have sex on the table and moved to the bed.. so klaus has moved on after I has his unborn child/children...when I open the door, klaus saw me shock and get off Hayley and put his shirt on with his boxer on while Hayley covered herself up with bed sheet..
Caroline: so I been looking for u but didn't expect you company (looking at Hayley angry) and yet u have moved..Great (fake enthusiasm)
Klaus: caroline love let me explain (shocked yet regret of he did)
Caroline: at first I thought u love me when I love u back but on second thought u don't instead u jump in bed with the she wolves, u broke me klaus I can't believe I came here for nothing
Klaus: love let me explain I am so sorry
Caroline: too late klaus good bye forever (tears roll in my cheeks)

While I went I saw Rebekah and gave me the I'm sorry regret look and hugged me while I was crying
Caroline: please promise me something..just me your words
Rebekah: crossed my undead heart
Caroline: don't tell klaus about me being pregnant with his kids
Rebekah: What?? Why??
Caroline: please just promise me
Rebekah: i gave u my words

After caroline left and close the door to back to mystic fall..."oh klaus what have u one" thought Rebekah.

What have I done
I shouldn't have slept with Hayley
Now that I really regret that caroline saw me and Hayley, her archenemy but I don't love her I thought caroline moved so I slept with her while I was drunk thinking about caroline while I fucked Hayley..I hate and regret with pain in my heart worse than being staked by oak stake when she said that she love me. I regret of I did to caroline and she left leaving me forever I'm but I'm not gonna give up easily.

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