Awkward yet sad Reunion

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Caroline POV
I was standing there speechless saw klaus and his siblings at my front door, how shocking I thought but what are they doing here but more importantly what is HE doing here??.
Caroline: niklaus
Klaus (smirk): hello love
Caroline : ugh seriously what r u guys doing here in mystic fall??
Klaus smirk turn in a sadness yet regret
Klaus: caroline let me explain I-
Caroline: I asked you what r u doing here not to bring up the past
Caroline: it's's OK.... I already forgive u but we can't get together anymore
Klaus : what? Why?
Caroline : first I'm engaged

(At first she thought that she saw furious and jealousy in his eye while he gritted his teeth. And back to his sibling Rebekah is shock, kol is being kol and elijah I can't tell his expression and finn he look emotionless.)
Klaus : what. Do. U. Mean. Ur engaged

(He looked outrage yet scary)
Caroline : yep after ur been screwed hayley, I left and bump into this guy and he's amazing and a vampire too so we been dated for 4 years and last years he proposed to me..
Klaus : and ur say yes (sadness in his eye)
Caroline : i'm sorry klaus just that I love him as much he loves me
Klaus : what his name?
caroline: Enzo
After caroline says that named klaus recognized that named Enzo used to be his friend since 1920s and he hasn't seen him more than 40 years but how did he end engaged to his caroline , it's's breaks his heart . then klaus asked caroline if she know that Enzo used to be a killer and she nodded and say that she know everything in his past including Maggie his past girlfriend.
Kol: wait a minute ur engaged to The Enzo.. that psycho killer?
Caroline : yes and plus he not a psycho killer anymore but I have everything I asked for klaus, a fiancee and children-
Klaus : what do u mean children??? Since when u have kids?? ur a vampire, i mean u can't procreate even after we have sex in tree five years ago-
He stopped n think about and look at caroline and he can see tear in her eye but it's impossible right he can't have kids..well he has hope but because Hayley is a werewolf.
KLAUS: so it's true then
Caroline : well I was surprised myself when-
KLAUS: oh my god caroline I'm so sorry (tears stared to roll down his cheeks)
Caroline : it's OK we're fine without u anyway and I know Hayley married to Jackson she gave birth to ur daughter hope, beautiful name really..
Klaus : how do u-
Caroline : long story
Elijah: niklaus how could u do that to miss Forbes and miss forbes do u mind me asking when to u start being pregnant
caroline: 5 years before I found out klaus and Hayley

(The originals looked shock n look at klaus with anger even Rebekah but klaus ignore them n continue to speak.)
Klaus : caroline after u give what gender??
Caroline (smile): boy and a girl I got twin
(Then klaus felt happiness yet regret for Caroline give birth to his children while he was busy around with Hayley.)

(And she turned to elijah and Kol)
Caroline : since klaus is not the only father..elijah, kol ur the father's as well even finn (looking at finn)

But they got confused about what caroline is talking about until elijah spoke..
Elijah: what do you mean miss forbes?
Caroline : congratulations elijah ur the father to elena daughter while kol is the Father to Bonnie son.

After she say that she laughed at their reactions/expression including Rebekah who probably envy them cause she always want children and caroline turned to finn and he look quite and she can't read his expression either..
Elijah: but that impossible miss forbes?

Even kol agrees
Caroline: yes it's possible by elena a doppelganger even if she a vampire n(look at kol) bonnie grandma n ancestors saw u bonnie love story n saw ur humanity shows so they gave her a son(Kol felt tears in his eyes but can't let them fall)..and finn u have a son by sage and I know u won't believe me and it's impossible but it's true...

(At first caroline swear she saw finn little shocked reaction but quickly recover...when klaus started to talk .)
Klaus : so when do we get to them??
Caroline : what? Oh the kids are at school right now so they will be coming soon in (lookng at her watch) 2 and half hours so don't just stand there the girls are waiting inside (winking at finn, kol and elijah while Rebekah giggle).

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