Chapter 19

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Jackson: so the rumor is true
Bonnie : rumor about what
Hayley: u originals siblings have kids with the mystic fall gang
Nik : it's only six of us patrick is the oldest then selena, so is us too, Maximus n Angel is the youngest
Jackson: also have powerful gift n i hrad that u..Maximus bennet is a first n most powerful male witch in wonder there witches form Allie with marcel
Max: seriously how many did I you all its MAX
Kol: but I like it ur after the Warrior in Rome
Angel: true it's ancient but Aunt bonnie named him after her favorite movie
Kol(shock): no way please don't tell me its
Caroline: what wrong with Tangle movie??
The horse Maximus is cute n funny
(The whole family laughed until sophie spoke)
Sophie : so mother I heard Hope is our stepsister
Caroline : yes
Nik: and u knock up her up n our mom
Klaus (nervously): yes

Both twins were silent for a second until sophie walks over to hayley n Jackson on the couch
Sophie: can I please hold her??
Hayley first hesitated but give to sophie
Sophie : hi what ur name?
Hope: hope
Sophie: such cute name for cute old are u?
Hope: four
Nik: hello hope.. my named is niklaus Jr but call me Nik n this is my stubborn twin sophie
(Sophie hit him at the back of his head n Hope giggle n they both smile)
Hope: hi
Angel: aww she is soo cute
Kol: I don't believe it klaus. At first I thought they're going to be mad at u for knock up a she-wolf n spend more time with hope than them after all these years
(The originals even klaus glare at kol for his bold  comments)
Nik: finding out she was our stepsister at first we were mad
Sophie: but it doesn't matter anymore  
Nik n sophie : as long we protect her from harm and still treat her as our blood sister with different mother or not
(Haley,Jackson and the originals watched in awe of how the Hope n Forbes twin got along quickly)
Max: geez looks like baby Hope the twin wrapped about her tiny fingers even the hot headed sophie
Sophie : shut up I heard that!!

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