Originals meet their kids

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Caroline POV

Once I opened the door reveal my twins, patrick, selena, max, and angel (Rebekah n Matt daughter) smile so I smiled back n I look back my son n he sniff before he speaks.
Nik: Mother I smell vampire but they're more powerful n older (in his British accent)
Klaus heart stung when he heard his own son called his love of his life "mother" n surprised that his son has a same accent as his..he can't believe that he do that to caroline while she carry his children..he really regret that he wasn't there when they're were born.
Max: I bet they're old n wrinkles (then laugh but when I look back I felt a glare from the originals while kol chuckle in the back)
Sophie: what part vampire do u not understand?? ( Slapped the back of his head)
Max: ok ok I just just kidding but (looked back at caroline)why r they here?
Caroline: it's a long story n I'm really tire of talking so go inside introduced yourself and be on ur best behavior including u Maximus.

Max rally hate his real named Maximus so he called himself max.
Max: it's max not Maximus u know I really hate that named (and then I heard kol chuckle while received a glare from bonnie(ha that cute).
Caroline : ok enough now go inside so ur mothers will tell you all about it

As we got in the living room all the originals froze as they saw their own children in front of them until selena spoke...
Selena: I don't believe we met, (she shake her hand politely to each originals hand and they all shock especially elijah as he shake his own daughter hand, he felt tears in his eye but recover before selena speaks) I'm selena brooke gilbert, (then point at nick n sophie) this here is niklaus henrik forbes and his twin sister sophie Rebekah forbes
(Niklaus almost has break down when he saw his beautiful twin and he can't believe caroline named his son same named n he turned his siblings including Rebekah who cry in tears when she heard her named n hear the word henrik...then klaus turned to caroline (whos can't even give him glance) n his kids, he just want hug them together n take back of what he has done...)
(turned to max) this is Maximus kol Jr Bennet
(Max growled at her while kol was taken back by surprise and look at Bonnie who currently reading her grimore but can't focus cause of kol staring at her. Bonnie Bennet actually named his son kol Jr as a middle name kol might wanna cry in tears but he can't let anyone see him being weak)
Selena: (turned to patrick) this is patrick Lijah Mikaelson
(The originals took by surprise including finn that sage n finn son is the only one has mikaelson last name while their kids named after their mother's maiden last name even elijah shock that his nephew middle is similar to his named)
Selena: At last but not least Angel bekah Donovan
(Rebekah is already cry in tears to see her beautiful daughter in front her has both mixture of Matt n her..later saw Matt besides her daughter n sense that he a vampire already but happy he takes care of their daughter)

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