Awkward yet sad Reunion part 2

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After we got inside, I saw elena still reading, bonnie still practicing from her grimore book and since sage woke up she watching WWE wrestling (weird but she is a fighter cause she more than nine hundred yrs old and much stronger than us except the originals).

When we were in the living room and they look at us and I can tell by their expression they're both shock at the originals, their lover is at mystic fall in their living room (well it elena house by using the Salvatore house after their disappearance) after their separation.
Elena: caroline what going on?? (u can tell she nervous cause elijah is here and his Brown eyes gazing at her up n down of how beautiful his elena has become by curling her hair but didnt dyed it after years of separation).
Caroline : it's a long story elena and they're already know I told them and they seemed to accept it.
Elena (looking at elijah): so ur not mad at me?
Elijah (he chuckle of how nervous she is around him): no lovely elena I'm not so i had been told that we have a daughter.
Elena: yeah her named is selena brooke gilbert
Elijah: why gilbert?
Elena: well she has been growing up without a father I meant all of us did (looking at bonnie, caroline and sage sadly) but looking at her is like I'm looking at u..
Elijah: what do u mean by that
Elena: she has ur eye and my hair and she noble, honest and more mature than instead of looking after her, she always look after me..
Elijah: my she took after me
Elena: yeah (she showed him that photo book she kept)
Elijah: what.. why does she like she-
Elena: seventeen that what I thought too but we found they can grow by vampire gene except one
Elijah: what do u mean one??
Caroline: since we girls have six kids but one of them grow slow with a bit of vampire gene.. (looked at Rebekah)
Rebekah u also had a child
Rebekah: WHAT!! How?
Caroline : remember Matt??
Rebekah nodded
Caroline : well after u slept with Matt, ur mother, Ester threaten him to kill u or compelled u so ur mother compelled u after giving birth and it's a girl..

Caroline watched Rebekah started to have tears in her eye..
Caroline: i'm sorry but we have to protect ur child and our kids until the time is right to tell u. Ur daughter and bonnie son came out at the time and Ester erase u and ur family about ur child that why u guys don't remember of having a child even ur a vampire except klaus (gave klaus glare).
Rebekah: so how old u think she is? even though she five right now
Caroline : while our kids look like sixteen years old except ur daughter is like a twelve year old, elena daugther is seventeen and finn son is like an eighteen year old.
Rebekah : so my daughter is the youngest? and how come finn son and elijah daughter grow faster than the other even though they're both same age?
Caroline: to answer to your question, no Max aka bonnie son is the youngest..they may be born at the same time but different second max came out three second after her but she grew slowly cause Matt is a human  and she named her bekah
Rebekah : bekah??(look confused)
Caroline : Matt named her after ur nick name for her middle name and now it's Angel bekah Donovan.

Rebekah than break down in tears
Rebekah : Angel.. such beautiful named I love it..can't believe I don't remember my own daughter n Matt how is he??
Caroline : it's OK not ur fault that u don't remember,since u ask about Matt..he a vampire now and he already gotten his thirst control..oh and (whispered to Rebekah so klaus couldn't hear it) thank you for keeping ur promise.(Rebekah smiled n nodded...)oh and finn son named Patrick, he too noble like and also loyal..he fast growing cause both finn n sage are vampire like elena and elijah while the others r half.

(Then I heard that the kids are here and looked over the originals they look kinda..nervous?? Except finn then again he always I went to open revealed....)

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