Conversation about them?

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Caroline POV

Once the originals are reunited with their kids n get to know them more.

Until we heard the knock on the door so I went up n get it to open reveal..Enzo
Caroline: Enzo (smiled)
Enzo:(smirk)hello gorgeous

At first I thought I heard someone growled, when I look back it's klaus with jealousy and anger in his eye. Scary he looks like he gotta murder someone but for a second he calm down when Nik put his hand on his shoulder. Enzo and I then went to the living room while the originals look to Enzo n I to klaus giving him sad look.
Klaus POV

Is caroline, the love of my life, really going to marry that son-of-a-bitch Enzo and then saw my siblings give me those sad looks, geez i don't need pity.. while I see Rebekah give me a furious look ..what the hell. I then moved in front of Enzo while caroline gesture me to calm down.

Klaus : congratulations on ur engagement mate
Enzo: uh thank u?
Klaus : but u hurt her in anyway, I'll make sure u guys break up n get my caroline back.
Enzo: pff..hurt her. yeah right..Ur the one who hurt her in the first place. At least I don't go around fucked some random girls that i-
Caroline : Enzo!!

Enzo then looked at caroline who looked give him a look to "stop" n look at everyone who shock and speechless. He then sigh and sat down the chair and drink his bourbon while the room is silence until selena broke the awkward silence.
Selena: well this is a pleasant evening (turned to elena) mother can I be excuse to go my room to do my homework and other school projects.
Elena(smiled): yes dear u may
(Elijah then nodded,gesture her to go to her room)
As expected kol saw his brother and elena moments with his new niece and chuckle
Kol: wow elijah now I see where she gets her noble and polite manners from and she a female version of u
(Then elena chuckle)
Elena : oh u haven't seen nothing yet..and since u met ur son max, he is absolutely like u.
Kol: what do u mean? Well I know he good looking and has same smirk as me right son?? (look at max who already smirk widely at kol comments about him and nodded)
Elena: well that not all..he playboy,selfish, funny,love pranking people and worse he a troublemaker trust me it isn't pretty n also a first male witch.
Kol: WHAT!!??
Elijah: but that impossible u can't be both vampire and a witch-
Elena : unless u were born with vampire and witch genes like kol n bonnie..yes it is possible like us girls were pregnant.
Kol: and what do u mean first male witch
(Looked at bonnie n she sigh)
Bonnie: well since all the Bennet witches are women and married to make new generation n now max here is the first male in Bennet blood line ever created so there will be no more women Bennet witches anymore only men n women... after if max created a new Generation of a Bennet blood line to continue on.
(Kol was speechless that his son is the first male Bennet) then max laughed at kol expression
Max: what the matter dad? Cat got ur tongue???

Finn POV
Well this unexpected, my family who used to kill people with no mercy is here laughing n happy that I haven't seen in thousands years n now here happily with their girlfriends n kids except for klaus...poor lad if he shouldn't have slept with Hayley then he wouldn't have much problem with caroline... and rebekah always wanted a child n her wish came true with matt and their daughter then I looked at sage n my son..oh I miss my red head sage for nine hundred years n now gave birth to my son patrick whos struggling at something.
Finn : son may I ask why r u look struggle?
Patrick : l'm sorry father it's just that I read some of klaus emotions
Finn: is that ur power
Patrick: yes I'm an empath I read klaus emotions as anger, regret, sadness n jealousy I have to calm him down (sending calm wave n klaus felt it too but confused of who could of done that)

Patrick reminded of me when I was younger but with dark brown hair n got sage eye n older than the others kids like me being the oldest to my siblings.then one question pop into my head.
Finn: since we already know about the male witch Bennet exist n how my sister Rebekah has a child then may I need to know what power do all our children have?
(All my siblings gasped surprisingly notice that their kids have power)

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