Conversation part 2

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Since it has been few hours that the originals met their kids and their lovers(except caroline n klaus). Now all they want is their kids gift/power

Klaus: what do u mean dear brother??
(Ask curiously)
Finn: I just find out that my son here has power or may I say gifted so I was thinking that if ur kids might have one too.
(All the originals gasps looked at children curious)
Elena: to answer to ur question finn, yes they have one or two power in each one of them.
Bonnie: except max since he is a witch
Max: which is not fair (pouting)
Caroline: all we're saying is my son Nik has a power to reads mind n my daughter has fire control and they can both heal u if u have a werewolf bite like klaus.
(Klaus eye went wide n jaw dropped. Who knew that originals hybrid kids have such power.)
Kol: wow really mind Nik what am I thinking?
Nik: I don't think I need to know about ur thoughts cause u know.. I mean bonnie is right there
(Kol face went pale while bonnie was blushing and max say "Ewww")
Elena: and selena can control the wind n nature
(Elijah is speechless hearing that his daughter two power.)
Sage: Even patrick is an empath by sensing someone emotions n can calm them by sending calm waves.
Klaus : so ur the one who send me calm waves thanks mate
(And patrick nodded)
Rebekah : what about u angel? what ur power?
Matt: Angel can read the future by having a vision
(The originals siblings were shock that angel has a power can read the future)
Kol: future.. that means u knew we were coming here right??
Angel: yep and I can also look into people past by going through their minds n can't be compelled even if it by a originals with or without vervain.
Kol: very cool ...well I'm hungry ..wanna come son?
Max:(smirk): sure I know a person who look tasty

(Everyone look at them in disgusted n
Before they walk out the door they hear sophie shouted so furious that made the originals even klaus wince)
(Then kol look shocked n max shook his head)
Max: again with the stake n burn in the coffin threat...u got something better?? And why wouldn't I step outside?
Sophie: cause I know u going after my best friend ally n last time u drink her I almost burn u
(Klaus snickered)
Kol:(look at max): what does she mean she Almost burn u
Max: when she caught me drinking her best friend tasty blood, she almost burn my whole beautiful hair...I hate being bald
(While max n sophie argued, kol then turned to klaus who now laughing so hard but recover when kol spoke)
Kol: now I wonder where she get that temper from?? (Looking at klaus)
Klaus: the threats?? It was pretty nice threat toward ur kid kol
Kol: and he say again? Maybe it's the same threat like u used the same old dagger threats
Elijah: seem like young master Maximus n young miss forbe always argue quite a lot right dear? (Look at his lovely elena)
Elena: yes they always have arguments with threats and some sort
Elijah : and what that dear?
Elena : they sometimes used their power against each other like sophie used her fire while max used his witch power
Kol: is he powerful enough??
Caroline: after bonnie give birth to max, she received thousands dead witches as a second gift from her ancestor emily while max has five hundred dead witches.
Kol : WHAT!! he that powerful even bonnie
Caroline : yeah even more powerful than Ester if they combined each other which makes it 1,500 dead witches
Kol: Jesus Christ that more powerful than klaus witches n who won?
Sage: to be honest its a tie
Klaus and kol: A TIE??!!
Max n sophie: yep
Angel: my favorite part when sophie shifts in to a werewolf and tried to attack max while he was running n screaming like a girl (laughing while max glare at her)
Klaus : u shift?? When?
Nik: we started shifts when we three but we look like ten.
(Klaus turned to caroline)
Klaus : and u?
Caroline: after the twins were born I turned into a hybrid like u and I can also heal n shifts
Kol: cool can u shifts now
Caroline : only if u make us mad but we already control our anger issues n we shifts only if necessary.
Kol(whined): oh come on just once
caroline:(alpha voice)
When I say no means no kol!!!

(Everyone wince by her voice)
normal voice: sorry I forgot I'm also a female alpha. (Then klaus look up)
Klaus : how-
Caroline : I found out Hayley is my long distance cousin...real creepy and I-
(She stopped when she smelled the sense she recognized while the girls look furious shield their children and the kids look angry n max just smirk then selena came down from the stairs saying)
Selena:(furious): they found us and they're here...

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