They're Here

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I then hear the door knocked harshly I looked around for Enzo but he pass out in the chair while we were talking. I went to opened while the sage, bonnie, n elena shield their kids but they say they can take care of themselves so they protect their mothers instead even matt hold both angel n Rebekah. All the originals siblings are confused cause they don't know what going on.
Klaus : love what going on??
(While caroline lean on front door she shush him to be quiet but he growled)
(before klaus finished his sentence, the door flew back n so is Caroline then got hit by a back wall n fell into the ground)
Sophie: MOTHER!!
(After klaus got recover by his stunned position he run up to help caroline up then he heard some growled n look at sophie n nik)
Klaus : children what r u doing
Kol: what do u think they're shift  cause they look pissed n furious right now
Nik and sophie: NOBODY hurt our MOTHER! .
(All the originals saw sophie shifts turned in the blond fur werewolf while Nik shift into a white n greyish fur...Klaus look shocked looking at his children in such beautiful werewolf form. He then heard caroline woke up from conscious)
Klaus : lay down love they got this
Caroline : but I need to help them
Klaus : but care-
(Caroline then turned into a beautiful werewolf with white fur all over with blue eye)
(Klaus has never seen a werewolf form so exquisite that it might make him faint and since elijah worried of what going on and saw elena behind his daughter selena for protection but saw others mother n kids look furious)
KLAUS : May I ask who here
Matt: let just say they used to be our friends, lover n some dark evil witches.
(Still the originals don't get it)
Sage: he saying that the Salvatore, Tyler and his pack, marcel, some witches include davina. We been fighting and hide cause of our children safety.
(The door reveal Tyler, damon, Stefan, marcel, and others.)
Tyler (smirk): look what we have here. if it isn't our favorite originals
Klaus (furious): what r u doing here Tyler
(Tyler then chuckle which make klaus more furious n growled)
Tyler: not what I'm doing about what I want and I Want them to be killed (pointing to the kids)
Caroline : not gonna happen
Marcel: sweetheart it will or don't u remember what happen last time. (Look at selena n sophie and they look emotionless which cause elijah curious n saw elena in tears but furious then snap marcel neck  n elijah look at her shock while caroline put her hand inside Tyler hurt n he wince trying to endure the pain)
Caroline(angry): u got Three second to ur friends outta here or I'll crush your pity little heart..1...2...
(Before 3 Tyler n the othes woosh while the Salvatore carry marcel body.)
Damon: this isn't over
(He n Stefan then whoosh away)
Max(whined): oh man I just bought a new bat to smash their heads
Sophie: my god max why don't u used ur witch power but instead used that bloody new bat
(They're continue argue again while others looked amused)
Kol: they never stop arguing right?
Caroline : nope (shooking her head)
Elijah: ladies u got some explaining to do (raised his eye to them even elena while they sights)
Elena(roll her eye): I think we should them caroline..I mean they need to know
Caroline : fine but I don't know about klaus cause he might go killing sprees
(Looking at klaus)
Klaus: can't promise u anything (surrender his arm up)
Caroline: whatever... so we'll start with the beginning....

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