The Past

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Caroline : it's started two years ago when they were all three but different ages like selena was fifteen and sophie was fourteen
Kol : so what does this has to do this anything to the Salvatore brothers n marcel..wait klaus didn't u compelled marcel to never bother us back in New Orleans (looking at klaus curiously)
Klaus : yes and how in the bloody hell does marcel know about our children
Selena: he used to be our substitute teacher
Elijah : used to?
Sophie : yep until one night he and the the salvawhore brothers kidnap me and selena
Caroline(shocked at sophie language): Sophie Rebecca Forbes watch your language
Max (mumbled): but it's true

(Kol snickered while Niklaus n elijah try to hold their laughs even finn still amused in this situation)
Caroline : like sophie said, they were kidnapped and did our best to find them n hell we even have to go versus  more than 900 vampire army to get them and we found them until it's too late.
(The originals frown yet confused)
Finn: what happened after-
(They soon heard selena runs up to her room so sophie follow her and elena sob quietly with tears roll down her cheeks while max frown n nik clench the table but broke it.)
Niklaus: what happened caroline
Caroline : we found them on the floor drenched in blood n ripped clothes they-
Elena(crying) : He RAPED them
The originals: What!!??
Elijah(look at elena) : elena is that true? that HE rape our daughter??
(Elena nodded while sobbing)
Niklaus : ahhhh why didn't u tell me two years things wouldn't be fine
Caroline : fine!? OK so I'll just called u saying things like,-hi klaus it's caroline I need ur help to rescue our daughter n elena daughter whose got kidnap by ur old enemy marcel- just like that huh u wouldn't believe me if I told you n even if u believe me I can't just go back running into your arm after what u did five years ago!!.
(Klaus left speechless)
Caroline : and that what happened to marcel and them
Finn: true but still confused about the Salvatore brothers n the witches
Elena : I broke up with them while I was pregnant with elijah child. When they found out I was possibly pregnant n it's elijah, they says my daughter could dangerous, they always overprotective of me n they tell me I have to choose- the baby or them
Elijah : so chose our daughter over them
Elena : yeah n I mean i can't choose one of them cause I love them both but not anymore because my heart belong to someone else.
(Elijah n elena looked at each other for a second until kol interrupt)
Kol: and that one of us right bonnie?
N speaking of witches what happened to the other that works with marcel n them
Bonnie : I betray them
Kol : u betray your own kind?? N why would kill kill our kids
Bonnie : I betray them by loving in fall with a vampire n have his child so they called me a traitor n team up against me to destroy the originals children
(After telling she walk out to her room leaving kol speechless like klaus)
Max: well this is awkward..hey patrick ur up for a game?
Patrick(reading a book while listening the whole conversation) : max u know I don't play games so I have to refuse your offer
Max: you're no fun pat alway boring reading a book
Patrick : at least I don't keep repeated grade after suspension like u
Angel(giggling): ooo max u got whipped

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