Chapter 6: Cash

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Now I'm sitting at the edge of the bed with my legs crossed and my eyes glaring at the luggage by my feet, Kai grabs the folded clothes from the bed and neatly stacks them in his suitcase. "Listen, baby, I know that you want to stay back and be with V but it's like you said, if we ever want our daughter to have a normal life then we need to tie loose ends,", "I know but wouldn't we be doing Analia a favor by not being by V's side?" I ask. "Does it matter? We were with V when Analia was here and we still couldn't protect her. Plus V won't be here by herself, she'll have John and Ignea. And quite frankly, I need my woman by my side", he zips his suitcase and then takes a seat by my side, Kai pulls my body into his embrace. He plants a kiss on my forehead and then said, "I don't wanna leave V either, but the sooner we get this out of the way, the sooner we'll have more family time".

I don't wanna admit it but he's right, yet a part of me says that we'll be doing more harm than good. "And....we'll have even more time for us to work on giving me a son," Kai whispers, he sneaks his lips below my ears and began to softly kiss my neck. "I'm not one to point fingers here but we'd probably have a son already if someone didn't have performance issues," I stated even though we both know that that's a full-blown lie. Kai pulls away then puts his hand on his chest as if he took offense to what I said, "Oh right cause I'm the one popping plan B's like they're percocets". Just then the door opens and Little V walks in, holding her pink teddy by its arm. "Aunt Leslie said that you all leaving, why can't I come with you?" she questioned, you could hear a flicker of gloom in her voice. "Come here, sweetheart" Kai says, V walked across the room and snuggles her way into the tight space between Kai and me.

"We'll only be gone for a little while but you'll be able to call us whenever you want," I said, "I know...but why do you have to leave?" V whined whilst her eyes remained on her twiddling fingers. "Because-", "Because we're gonna get you a little brother," Kai fibs. V quickly looks up at Kai and asks, "Really?". "Yeah, the best," he assures, you can call us bad parents for lying to our kid like this but wouldn't you do the same if you were in our situation? Wouldn't you want to prevent your kid from seeing you do the same things you've sworn to protect them from as a parent?

"Okay. When he gets here, can I name him?", "Sure, sweety" I reply. "Now run along and tell your aunts and uncles goodbye, we'll be down in a minute", "Okay,", V hops off the bed and rushes out of the room. As soon as the door closes I turn to Kai, "What if we have a daughter instead?". "Then we'll try again," He grabs my chin and pulls me into a kiss, "And again" he whispers. He gently pushes me onto the bed and got on top, "And we won't stop till I get what I want," he kissed. "You think I'm just gonna give you a child just like that?" I ask, "Oh I don't expect you to, but I'll make want to," Kai whispered above my lips. He backs away then stood before the bed. "What kind of man gets his wife all hot and aroused and then walks away?", "A smart one," he smirks. I get off the bed and then followed Kai out the door with our luggage in hand.

From the balcony, I could see V hugging Armani and the others as they stood by the door with their small luggage, "Tell me we're doing the right thing,". "We're doing the right thing," Kai says. We tread down the stairs and towards the others, "Where's John?" I ask. "Right here, ma'am", I look towards the door and see John walking in with Ignea. "We're here," Ignea says, I turn towards V then kneeled before her. "Be on your best behavior okay?", I draw her into a tight hug of nothing but love and warmth. "I will," she starts to sob. I pull away and wipe the tears from her eyes, "It's okay, you'll see us soon, V. Now go tell your papa goodbye,". I stand up straight and grab the handle of my suitcase, V grabs Kai's hand and pulls him down to her level before hugging him tightly. Kai hugs her back and says, "Daddy loves you okay? When we get back we'll get you whatever you want and take you wherever you wanna go,". V replies "Okay," with her voice high and trembling, Kai picks her up and hands her over to Ignea.

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