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"Listen, I know it's a lot to digest-", "Ya think, and you would've kept this information hidden if we weren't listening in," I expressed. The look on Kai's face changed to confusion with anger, "We kept this hidden because we have enough on our plate as it is, we're trying to limit the amount of collateral damage". "Oh, so now we're a liability," Leslie joins in, "You know what, we'll discuss this when we're on the ground and safe," Luke says.

"Right, let's give y'all enough time to come up with a better excuse," Marcy conveyed, "You guys do realise that you're the only ones complaining right?" Armani says. "Oh please, if we we're hiding something from you guys for 8 years straight then you'd be acting way worse," I said. The intercom chimes in, "Ladies and Gentlemen, we'll be landing shortly so please return to your seats and buckle in," the pilot announces. Rather than saying another word, I get up out of the seat and walk to the near back of the plane. Kai just buckled himself into the seat he sitting in, he has no right to be mad, as if I was the one keeping secrets. If he's kept this big of a secret hidden then imagine the other ones he's kept to himself, he knows that I'm strong enough to protect myself so him not giving me that credibility is the real reason I'm mad. I'm not saying that he can't have secrets but if it's as serious as what we just learned, then I'd rather him share them with me.

I turn my attention to the window and stare at the beautiful, green country beneath us, watching as the plane slowly got closer  until the runway was in view. Kai knows that I have a hard time when the plane is about to land, the shaking makes me nauseous so quick. Kinding wishing he was sitting beside me but I can't forgive him so quick. I close my eyes tight as we're now inches away from the ground, finally the wheels hit the runway and begin to slow the velocity of the plane. The shaking was still too much for me but I handled it never the less, I open my eyes and the plane is at a complete stop by the airport. I unbuckle myself and got up a bit too quick, I almost threw up then and there. I walk past the seats and towards the door where Kai was waiting for me, "You okay?" he asks, Kai had a defeated look on his face which means he's asking out of sincerity. "I'm fine," I replied before walking past him and down the stairs. By the runway was two cars that I guess were waiting for us, Leslie had already stepped off the last steps and was arguing with Luke. As for Marcy, she and Armani stood on the sidelines watching. 

I get off the last step and waited for Kai to join my side, this doesn't mean that I forgive him, I just like feeling his presence beside me. "I'm sorry, Is that what you wanna hear?" he ask, I look to my side to see him already staring down at me. "I don't need to hear anything, especially not from you" I replied, "Okay, but you'll need someting from me sooner or later". The nerves on this guy, abruptly the doors of a jet on the runway opens. About 5 men armed with guns came pouring out and began firing at us. Everything happened so fast, the only thing I felt was Kai pulling me into his chest and shields me from the stray bullets as he led me toward the car. He quickly opens the door then shoves me inside before pulling out his gun and returning fire, I open the glove compartment and low and behold, a gun. 

I cock it back before opening the door and returning fire while hiding behind it, I manage to shoot a guy on the right in the chest before delievering the killing bullet in his head. Abruptly the shooting stops, "Is that all of them?" Kai asks. "Yeah I think so," I hear Armani say. Kai slips the gun into his waistband and return to my side, "Are you hit?" He ask before touching and searching my body for any sign of injury. "I'm fine, what about the others?", "As far as I can see, they're good. We gotta go, the police will be here any minute now," he says. I get back into the drivers seat and close the door, I look in the rearview mirror and it's now that I take notice of a dead guy in the back seat, It's gotta be the driver. Kai opens the passenger door then takes a seat. "Dead driver in the backseat," I say before starting the car. This is just the beginning and we've already have a bout 7 deaths, assuming that the driver of the other car is dead. Eitherway, I have a feeling that this is gonna get way more bloodier. 

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