Chapter 12: New Player Unlocked🔓

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With just bare minutes remaining until the invasion starts, we're all sitting around with our hands bearing weapons and our heads in the clouds, trying to crawl through them to what would be a solution to reverting the event I brought forward. I load the colt's bullets into the chambers then shake them out into my palm repeatedly to keep myself busy,
"Okay, I have an idea that'll buy us more time," I say.

"Please, share with the class," Kai groans, sitting up on the couch.
"We could put up a spell barrier around the house, like the one in Mafriash to keep the demons out,",
"That's a good idea, but I've never done one before. If Ignea was here then she'd see to it that we do it correctly,",
"Why'd they take her anyways?" Luke asks.
"For her knowledge on us, I mean, she's been with us for so long and she's family so we gotta assume that's the reason," I say,
"Right, but why didn't they take John too?".

"No idea, but we can start on the barrier by doing some reading. The last time we were in Mafriash, Ignea took some books from the Reverie, maybe one of them can help",
"I'm on it," Kai says getting up.
"In the meanwhile, I'm gonna go find somewhere dark and quiet to meditate,", I pull myself off of the couch and take to the stairs. Some silent time is appropriate to confront and handle my current state of emotions for the brewing battle, walking past the former crime scene, I go to the door to Kai and I's playroom newly named the SlowBurn chamber. It's the only place without windows and quiet since its walls are lined with acoustic foam for sound control. After opening it, I step into the dark space and close the door behind me. Since I know every inch of this room like my name, I navigate it with ease and get to the wet mat.

I lower myself onto it and bend my legs into the easy pose. I let out a soft puff and then said, "Auxdius furlúh," to release my soul from my body and enter this dark, starry space. In the center of this blank space was a silver, ovate floor which I sat against and enjoyed the stillness.

"Ava, wake up," A voice says, I get pulled out of my comatose state and wake up returned to my body where Kai stood before in the now bright room.
"They're closing in, time to see if I studied hard enough," he says holding his hand out. I take it and he immediately yanks me up to my feet,
"Damn, the fuck are you yanking me up like a sack of potatoes for?" I chortle.
" 'Cause we need to haul ass, let's go already," Kai replies, we exit the SlowBurn and made our way downstairs to the door where everyone was waiting.

"You know what you're doing?" Armani asks,
"Yeah, I'm 96 percent sure," Kai replies.
"96?" Leslie questions,
"Okay maybe like a strong 89..82? I don't know but I guess we'll find out in a minute, won't we?". Kai opens the door and steps out into the chilling, red-skied atmosphere. With a pair of binoculars in her hands, Marcy looks into the distance.
"Fuck me...they're coming, and fast," She reports,
"Okay, give me your palm," Kai says.

I hold it out to him and he takes out a gold, circular, ancient-looking device. The surface was flat and engraved with writings surrounding a ruby, while the bottom had what I could only describe as a Shaq-size needle sticking out.
"The needle is gonna go through your hand and pull the mana out of your hand to be focused into the ruby and create the barrier," He says,
"Why do I have to be the one who takes the needle?" I complain.
"Because it was designed to be used by a woman since apparently, a woman's passion makes their magic stronger than a man's which I think is phenomenal and-",
"Okay, get on with it," I say looking away. Kai presses the device into my hand and I bite my lips as the needle tears through my flesh and sticks out the other side,
"Okay done," Kai says.

I look in my palm to see the now-glowing ruby,
"Okay, what's next?" I ask. Just then a loud cry makes us all turn our heads to the road. Without the need for binoculars, we could see the demons in the distance approaching.
"Shit, okay, all you need to do is read off the dial,", I look at the words surrounding the ruby then read
"Idishola raeto hataht".
The ruby grows brighter before I'm suddenly lifted off my feet,
"Cidiyame nawesta gavi". I point my pierced palm in the direction of the coming crowd and a surge of energy disperses from it, sending a large wind back into our faces and pushing me back.

"Clear the way," Luke says before stepping back along with everyone, another powerful wave comes from my hand but I manage to keep my position against the wind in the air. Out of the ruby, a large amount of blue-colored energy comes out and begins expanding like a shield.
"It's working!" I shout, as more of the beryl energy comes out, the pain in my palm becomes more intense. Another cry is let out which draws my attention to the crowd who's now just a block away, and the barrier is just halfway around us. To speed things up, I placed my other hand over the needle sticking out my left and pressed down onto it so that the ruby would take more mana out of both hands.

"Ava no! The disk can't take that much mana at once!" Kai shouts,
"We don't have enough time! I have to do this,". The amount of blue energy begins pouring out the ruby faster and now both my hands are in pain. Looking behind me, I see that the barrier is almost done. A sudden sharper pain than the one I'm already in jerks my hand and makes me take notice of the cracks in my hand that have energy shining through them. Just like the disk wasn't built to take this much energy, my hands aren't. I could lose them if I don't stop, but if I do, then we're fucked.

Feeling another energy wave about to come out, I turn my face away and brace for the wind impact. The wave shoots out of my palm and I feel the disk break into pieces before I'm suddenly falling to the ground. I let out a scream as I headed to the ground until something caught me, I opened my eyes to see Kai's concerned face.
"You okay?",
"Yeah, nice catch. Is it done?" I ask.
"Yeah, in the nick of time,", I climb out of Kai's arms and look at the barrier. The demons get to it and begin banging and clawing it, trying to get in.

"They're not getting in, right?" Leslie asks,
"Yeah, and we're not getting out. Unless we use teleportation so we're good," Kai replies.
I look in my palms and there's not a scratch, hole, or crack to be seen, it doesn't even hurt anymore.
"Good, now let's get inside and figure out our next move," I let out, we went back into the house and gathered in the kitchen where we could discuss and eat at the same time.

"What if we go back in time and stop this whole thing?" Armani asks,
"Time wraiths," Kai and I say.
"Maybe we could just bait them into one place, open a portal, and send them all into space to die," Luke suggests.
"One, there's too much of them. Two, the portal wouldn't be able to send them far enough away from Earth so they'd just linger around the planet until they get pulled back in by Earth's gravity and rain onto the Earth, destroying it. And three, they were all humans at one point so they're not that dumb to fall for it," Kai explains.

"You know what, let's put this apocalypse talk behind us for like an hour or so. Forget about the demons and forget about the world outside ending, let's just enjoy some food, quietness, and some TV, how about that?" Leslie suggests,
"Sounds good, some movies could get the creative juices flowing," I agree.
"Great! dibs on choosing the first movie, which will be Hocus Pocus or Witches-"

A knock on the door interrupts Leslie's sentence.

We all look at each other like what the hell,
"The fuck, I thought you said they couldn't get in?" Leslie ask.
"Yeah, nothing or no one should be able for that matter," Kai says,
"Maybe it's Analia? She's the only one we know could be teleporting here since no one can get in," Marcy figures.
"Maybe,", Kai and I leave the kitchen and begin walking to the door with everyone else following at a distance. I open it to see a tall, medium-brown-haired, man with his back turned.
"The fuck are you?" Kai questions, the man turns around and with a smile he says,
"Hi, the name's Aitch, pronounced like the letter H,".

"So? What the hell are you doing here? And how'd you get in?" I ask,
"Why teleportation, of course. I'm what you call a Magician, not to be confused with the fake, party trick type. More like the TV show Magicians Kind, and as for why I'm here,".

"I'm here to undo what you guys started, a damn armageddon," Aitch says.

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