Chapter 11: The Resurrection of the Damned

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I place Volodya's teddy frog into the sink of clear water and watch it corrupt its cleanest with V's blood, As I squeeze and scrub it, I begin to remember how she got it in the first place. With a little help from me, she won it at that amusement park we went to about 6 years ago. I remember Kai screaming like a mf when we got on that one ride, the slingshot. It was after that ride did we decided to try our luck at one of the basketball game stands. Seeing how much V wanted the teddy, I used my magic to help her win. Sure Kai caught me in the act but he was all for it, 'cause seeing our little V happy is all we want. A chin rests on my shoulder and relieves me of the teddy frog from my hands, the person puts it to the side of the counter and then places their hands on my biceps.

"You want me to put it in the washer so you can go get ready?" Kai asks, "Yeah, you do that," I reply. Kai picks up the toy and then leaves the kitchen, leaving me with my thoughts again. But as much as I would love to find a dark place and curl up in a ball and cry, I need to find our daughter's killer and deal with the demons closing in on the country.

Leaving the kitchen, I head for the stairs and ascend to Kai's office, glancing at the closed door to our room. He thought it'd be better if I didn't see any more of our daughter's blood stains on our bedroom floor, so he put the clothes I requested in his office for me to get ready. I can't help but wonder what they've done with her mutilated body, How the hell are they going to put everything back together? which shouldn't be their job, regardless. And just imagine the despair they're all feeling by trying to put her back together, and then put on a brave face to confront the perils coming our way. They have more strength than I could ever muster up.

I get inside and close the door behind me, I walk to the chair before Kai's desk and pick up the clothes hanging from it. It isn't something casual or funeral appropriate, it's my fight uniform 'cause after we put V to rest, I'm getting straight to work.

After getting dressed, I exit Kai's office and begin making my way towards the stairs. I look down the balcony to see Leslie and Marcy sitting in the living room, still drying their eyes while huddled together. I get down there and take a seat by Marcy's side, "You guys okay?" I ask.
"We should be asking you that," Marcy snivels, "I'm fine, for the moment. It's time to go,". We get up from the couch, holding each other's hands while making our way to the back door. We step into the backyard where we see in the distance Luke, Armani, and Kai standing by the grave hole they dug for V. From where we're standing, we can see a casket above it being held up by the lowering device. When we get there, I depart from Marcy's side and join Kai's where I wrap my arms around his waist to offer him some sort of comfort. But that wasn't the sole reason, it was also so I could hide my face in his back 'cause I'm afraid to look into that casket. Because then it'd make this whole thing real and not some awful nightmare.

He caresses my arm with his thumb then says, "I know, baby, but if you don't then you'll regret it,", and what do I expect? He knows me like his full name so of course he'd predict me hiding behind him to not face the harsh truth, that our daughter was gone. I come out from behind him with my eyes focused on the ground beneath us before I decide to look up, Kai hugs me close and speaks gently, "It's okay, I'll stay with you out here for however long until you're ready,".

"We can't, there's only 3 hours until they're here so there's no point in me slowing everybody down,", I eventually look up and down into the half-open casket. V was lying inside in her lavender, white-floral dress while holding her teddy frog.

 V was lying inside in her lavender, white-floral dress while holding her teddy frog

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