Chapter 3- Bunking off college

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The weekend flew by and before Libby knew it, it was Monday morning. She started to get ready for college just like normal except she wasn't going. She knew Tulisa would go mental if she found out but Libby didn't care she just couldn't face college. She text Maddison to tell her and she replied back straight away.

To Maddison:

Hey Maddie, I'm not coming to college today cos i'm not very well. Hopefully i'll see you tomorrow, Love ya Libs x

From Maddison:

Libs, can't believe you're not coming! You best be here on Friday cos Tulisa's coming ARGHH. Hope you're well soon, i'll text ya later. Mads xx

Libby sighed. This was exactly why she didn't want to go to college. She left for college as normal but instead of walking towards the bus stop she walked the opposite way into town. She knew she had to be careful incase her father or Tulisa drove past her. 10 minutes later she arrived at Ny's house. Ny was Tulisa's best friend but Libby knew she could trust her. As soon as she knocked on the door Ny answered.

'Libby? What you doing here? Don't you have college?' Ny asked wondering.

'Erm ye, can i come in?' Libby replied.

'Sure come in, Tulisa is going to kill me!' Ny said.

She stepped aside and Libby walked into the lounge. Ny shut the door and got a capri-sun out the fridge for Libby. As she walked into the lounge she heard Libby crying.

'Libby? What's up darling?' Ny asked whilst sitting down and hugging her.

She handed her the capri-sun and Libby took it.

'I can't do it no more Ny, I can't lie to my friends,' Libby sobbed.

'What'd you mean hun? Tell me!' Ny replied.

'Fine i'll tell you, but you better not react like T or i'm leaving. I'm fed up of having to go to college and lie to my friends. Having to pretend that i'm not related to my own sister. I can't do it anymore, i'm sick of it! I feel unwanted Ny, lonley and worthless, like i'm second best. And to make it even worse T's doing a signing at my college, for my class! I'll have to sit there and pretend i don't know my own sister, pretend i'm a fan. I'll have to pretend i don't have all the memories with her growing up. I'll have to forget about my whole childhood just so i don't blow this stupid secret, I'm just fed up Ny! I can't do this anymore,' Libby said whilst tears stolled down her cheeks.

Ny was shocked. She didn't realise how much it affected Libby, just like Tulisa didn't. She was surprised T was going to her college for a signing too. She grabbed Libby and held her so tight.

'Libby babe, I'm sorry! You're so strong! Does Tulisa know you're here?' Ny asked whilst stroking her head.

'Na she doesn't, if she knew she'd kill me!' Libby replied.

'You know how much she wants you to get your grades Libs. It's only because she cares about you!' Ny told her.

'Please don't tell her Ny, please let it be our little secret,' Libby sobbed.

'Sure muffin, stay here if you want. As long as you promise me it won't ever happen again. You hear me?' Ny said sternly.

'I promise,' Libby replied.

Libby stayed at Ny's house for the rest of the day. They chatted about anything and everything. They did each others makeovers and watched lots of films. Libby loved days like this as she used to have them with Tulisa. She wished she still could. She wished her life was normal.

At 4pm Libby arrived home. She made herself some pasta and sat down at the table to eat it alone, just like normal. She was home alone tonight as her father was out at the studio. She logged into twitter to see if she had any notifications. She also decided to look on Tulisa's profile. One tweet she read scared the life out of her. Was it about her?

'@officialtulisa: Can't believe you've done that! Just wait till i see you! grrrr'

She walked into the kitchen to check her phone. She was worried about what messages she may have. She had 3, one from her dad, one from Maddison and the one she dreaded.. a message from T. She read and replied to her dad and Maddison.

To Libby:

Hey Libs, Hope you're ok at home. See you tomorrow, Love you dad x

From Libby:

Hey Dad, I'm fine! Thanks for asking, love ya lots Libs x

To Libby:

Libbbyyy. I've missed you at college today. I hope you're there tomorrow because it isn't the same without you :( Love you lots, ring me later Maddie x

From Libby:

Madddie. I've missed you lots too! I should be there ye, feel alot better. I'll ring you soon, Love ya, Libs x

She didn't open the message from T. She was too scared. What if she found out? What would she say? Has Ny told her about today? Libby was sure that Ny had kept their secret, but what if she lied? T would defiantly kill her for sure!

The secret life of Libby Contostavlos- (Tulisa Contostavlos' sister)Where stories live. Discover now