Chapter 17- Sheffield, Leeds, Manchester

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Libby took herself off to bed. She knew that she'd need all the sleep she could get. She couldn't believe she was actually on tour with her sister, she'd dreamt of this for so long! She was worried about what might happen. She hoped that there'd be no drama.. Though wherever Libby went drama seemed to follow.. She was defiantly Tulisa's little sister.

Libby was woken by the sound of laughing and shouting coming from downstairs. She took out her iPhone from underneath her pillow and checked the time. It was 8am. Libby was furious. What were they doing downstairs? She decided to go and check. She got downstairs to find Tulisa, Gareth and Tulisa's friends laughing and joking whilst watching a video.

'Oh hey Libby, you're awake early!' Tulisa said.

'Ye, no thanks to you lot,' Libby replied grumpily.

'Don't be rude Libby. You can't sleep all day on here,' Tulisa told her sternly.

'Whatever,' Libby replied running back upstairs.

Tulisa followed her upstairs to find Libby sat on her bunk crying. She knew something must had been wrong as Libby wouldn't have cried over their little tiff. She walked over to Libby and sat down next to her.

'Libs, what's up?' Tulisa asked.

'Nothing, go away T,' Libby shouted.

'Libby don't shout at me, I'm your sister. Talk to me,' Tulisa replied sternly.

'You didn't seem to be bothered downstairs when you were laughing and shouting to wake me up,' Libby told her.

'You know that's not true so don't even bother with that one Libby. If i didn't care you wouldn't be on tour with me, i'd have left you at home. I asked you to come so you weren't alone and i could spend time with you. Tell me what's wrong Libby and we can solve it together,' Tulisa said softly.

'Well.. You know the girl who was slating me and calling me horrible things outside college and on twitter.. the girl who was outside our house,' Libby asked.

'Ye, what about her?' Tulisa replied wondering.

'Well she's coming to Manchester to see you. She has VIP.. which means i'll have to see her too T. And Manchester is in 2 days,' Libby sighed.

'Libby, is that why you're so upset?' Tulisa asked.

Libby nodded.

'Don't be daft! Nothings going to happen, if she says anything i'll have her thrown out Libby. I'm pretty sure she won't be saying anything now she knows the truth Libs. Come here,' Tulisa said whilst hugging Libby.

'Hmm, if you're sure T. Sorry for been grumpy,' Libby told her.

'It's fine babe, go get ready. Rehersals start for Sheffield soon and you're coming  to help me!' Tulisa laughed.

Libby got ready and attended the rehersals with Tulisa. The evening came and Tulisa did her first show in Sheffield, where Libby was sat in the front row cheering her on. They travelled to Leeds overnight and did the same again, rehersals, tour bus laughs, show, food, more laughs.

The third day came and the tour bus arrived in Manchester. The day Libby dreaded had arrived as the girl who hated her had VIP. She woke up and checked her iPhone. She had texts from Maddie, her dad and Tulisa. She opened them all and replied.

To Libby:

Libby! How's the tour doing? I can't wait to come and see you in London! VIP baby! Hope you and Tulisa are good, love you lots and see you soon. Maddison xxx

From Libby:

Maddieee. The tours great! Been to Sheffield and Leeds so far and tonight we're in Manchester! I can't wait to see you 3 either, i'm missing you all loads! Hope you're behaving in college too misses. Me and Tulisa are fine, we've been getting on perfectly! Hope you're all ok, don't miss me too much! Love you lots and lots, see you soon. Libby xxx

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