Chapter 12- Are Libby and Amelia friends?

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What is it you have to say Amelia?' Libby asked.

'What i have to say is this..' Amelia replied.

Amelia paused. Just like Libby she was worried. Worried about how her best friend would take the news. Amelia began to cry.

'I'm sorry Libby. I'm sorry for everything i said. I don't hate you, i was just shocked. I still can't get over the fact my best friend is Tulisa's sister.. I say best friend.. That's if you still want to be friends. I know i sure do. Your text make me cry so much, i didn't mean to upset you. I was just confused.. I don't even know! How can i be so horrible to my best friend? I'm so stupid. ugghh. I'm so happy for you.. I can't believe how strong you are. I can't believe how i spoke to you. I don't deserve you as a friend, i'm sorry Libby.. And sorry for hurting your sister T,' Amelia cried.

Amelia folded her arms on the table and burried her head inside. She cried uncontrollably. Libby's eyes filled up and she began to cry. Tulisa walked around the table and sat next to Amelia. 

'Amelia, look at me babe,' Tulisa said softly.

Amelia looked up worried. She was scared of the responce.. and also about how her eye make up would look infront of her idol. Tulisa grabbed hold of her and hugged her tight.

'Please don't cry babe. I know it must have been hard for you, just like it has for Libby. I can't even begin to tell you how sorry i am for causing this. The truth is.. If i hadn't have made the secret you'd have never even met! She's wanted to tell you for years but i've stopped her. I've stopped her having a life outside of school and i can't begin to tell you how guilty i feel for this. Please don't fall out you two.. I want you to still be mates. I want to get to know you all like sisters,' Tulisa told her.

Amelia and Libby were shocked. Libby had never heard Tulisa admit this before.. She'd never heard her say it was her fault. It made her feel really guilty.

'T.. it's not your fault. You did it to protect me because you loved me. And Amelia... I don't hate you.. I've been praying for the past hour you'd come because the truth is you'll always be my best friend. Me, you, Elle and Maddie will always be together.. whether we like it or not! So are we friends?' Libby asked.

'We're friends,' Amelia laughed.

Libby and Amelia hugged each other tight. Tulisa soon joined in. She was so proud of her little sister. They went to join Maddison and Elle in the living room. Over the next few hours they played games, took silly photos and did each others makeup. They watched old videos of Libby and Tulisa and had a skype chat to Ny! The tweets they send that day reallt proved how much they'd enjoyed spending time together.

'@LibbyNdubz: Having a right fun time with my sister and best friends! @officialtulisa @MaddieNdubz @AmeliaNdubz @ElleNdubz Love you all loads! (Picture of them all pulling funny faces!)'

'@officialtulisa: Love hanging out with my lil sis and her friends! Love ya Libby, Maddie, Amelia and Elle!'

'@MaddieNdubz: Love my best friends and T loads:)'

'@ElleNdubz: Libby, Amelia, Maddie and Tulisa are the best dancers ever.. JOKE I'm the winner, always will be!'

'@AmeliaNdubz: laughing at @officialtulisa been thrown in the pool with Mads, Libs and Elle.. She ain't happy whoops!'

It came to 3pm. Tulisa phoned Gareth and asked him to collect Nandos for the girls as they were all starving! They ate their Nandos and afterwards Tulisa had a great idea.. She knew Libby would like it.

'What we gunna do now then? I think we've done everything possible!' Libby asked laughing.

'We sure have.. apart from pushing T in the pool ourselfs!' Maddie replied laughing.

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