Chapter 19- Backstage

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Libby walked into the room where her mum, dad and Tulisa sat. It was silent. Libby looked at Tulisa who gave her a worried look back which make Libby feel even more nervous. As she sat down she began to speak since no one else was.

'Wasn't T great today?' Libby suggested.

'Thanks Libs, but you were amazing. I'm so proud of ya Libs, you sang beautifully,' Tulisa replied.

'I'll never be able to thank you T,' Libby said with a tear strolling down her cheek.

'Come here silly,' Tulisa said patting the space next to her.

Libby walked over to Tulisa and sat down. As Tulisa was hugging Libby their dad, Plateo, began to speak.

'You were both amazing, i'm so proud of you both, expecially you Libs,' Plateo told them smiling.

'Yes me too. Tula you were fantastic as always and Libby your voice was beautiful!' Anne replied.

They all sat speaking for the next 30 minutes just like a normal family. Tulisa loved to see her mum and dad getting along and more importantly to see her mother well. Libby on the otherhand wasn't so pleased. She got more and more worked up. She longed for her mum and dad to get back together and they'd constantly told her that it wasn't happening. So why are they getting on so well? Libby was so furious that she decided to say something.

'I have no idea how you can sit here and play happy families after what you've put us through,' Libby shouted.

'Excuse me?' Plateo replied shocked.

'You heard. How can you sit here getting on so well after the past few years. You've been horrible to each other and i've begged and begged you to get back togther yet  you refused. Do you not realise how much it hurt me? Not only i had a secret to keep but my family was broken down. I can't even bare to look at you right now. I've had enough of this family. I hate this life,' Libby screamed.

Libby ran out the room, down the hall and into the bathroom. She locked the door and tears began to stroll down her cheek. Tulisa ran after her into the bathroom.

'Libby, come out now!' Tulisa shouted.

'Why should i T? You'll only take their side,' Libby screamed back.

'Libby.. you should know by now i'm not taking sides. What you said was out of order, get out here now. I mean it Libby,' Tulisa told her sternly.

'I don't care Tulisa. I can't just sit there and let them play happy families like you can. Not after everything. Just go and leave me alone, go back to your super star life,' Libby shouted.

'How can you even say that after everything? I'm done trying with you Libby. Come and find me when you're ready to act grown up cos right now you're been a child,' Tulisa shouted back whilst walking out the bathroom.

Libby sighed. More tears trickled down her cheek. She couldn't believe what Tulisa had just said to her as it made her feel so guilty. What if Tulisa didn't want to speak to her again? Libby opened the toilet door and walked out of the bathroom slowly. Tears still strolled down her cheeks. She walked down the hallway, which seemed to take forever. As she got to the room she saw Tulisa who was sat  with her head in her legs which made her feel terrible. She walked into the room and sat on the sofa opposite Tulisa, expecting her to look up but she didn't. 

'T.. I'm sorry,' Libby told her softly.

Tulisa didn't her. Libby sighed.

'I guess you were right then.. you're done with me. For the record i'm not done with you and you'll always be my idol,' Libby said begining to cry again.

Libby stood up and headed for the door. As she reached the doorway Tulisa looked up and began to speak.

'Libby.. Please come here?' Tulisa asked.

Libby turned round to face Tulisa.

'I thought you were done with me T?' Libby asked confused.

'Let's not argue Libby. Come here, lets chat,' Tulisa told her.

Libby walked over to Tulisa and sat down next to her. She felt awful.

'Libby.. I honestly don't know how you could have said that to mum and dad. The only reason they tried to get along is for you because they know how much it means to you. What you said was out of order,' Tulisa told her sternly.

'I can't sit and watch them get along T. I've wanted it all my life. I know i shouldn't have been so horrible to them but i just couldn't sit and watch that,' Libby replied.

'Ye i get that Libs, it's hard for you but you gotta try. As for what you said to me.. that wasn't on Libby,' Tulisa told her.

'I'm sorry about that T, i really am. I love been with you so much and this tours been fantastic. I'm so sorry Tula,' Libby said as she began to cry.

'Come here, It's ok Libs, just don't say it again!' Tulisa warned her.

Tulisa hugged Libby tight. They continued to speak for another 20 minutes before returning to see their mum and dad. Libby appologied to her parents after getting a strong telling off from her father. They all sat down again and spoke for another 10 minutes after this before it was time for them to leave. Tulisa and Libby walked down the hallway and into Tulisa's dressing room to join the rest of the party. Libby ran off to see Amelia, Maddison and Elle.

'MADDDDDIEEE,' Libby screamed.

'LIBSSSS,' Maddison screamed back.

The girls took loads of silly pictures. Libby decided to tweet them so she logged into Twitter. She tweeted the pictures and replied to a couple of Tulisa's fans.

'@LibbyNdubz: Silly times backstage with my girls, love you Maddie, Elle and Meals x *picture of them pulling silly faces.'

'@LibbyNdubz: Love my big sister @officialtulisa loads. She's my idol and i'm so proud of her.'

'@LibbyNdubz: @StephNdubz Thanks babe, love ya!'

'@LibbyNdubz: RT @NdubzLover Tulisa is the best idol ever and Libby is a great singer'

Libby, Amelia, Maddison and Elle laughed and joked for ages until Tulisa called Libby over.

'Libs, come here babe? I want you to meet someone,' Tulisa told her.

Libby walked over to Tulisa.

'What T?' Libby asked.

A man with light brown hair and blue eyes was sat next to Tulisa.

'I'd like you to meet Jay.. We're together,' Tulisa told her.

Libby looked shocked. How could Tulisa have another boyfriend? Libby was worried that this meant she wouldn't want to spend as much time with her. 

What will happen in the future for Libby? How will she react? What will happen if their relationship becomes really serious? Libby felt sick.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2014 ⏰

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