Chapter 4- The consequences of bunking off college

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Libby ignored the message from T and walked back into the living room to watch don't tell the bride. Half and hour later she decided to check her twitter. She just had to look at Tulisa's tweets to see if the previous one was about her. Libby knew that if it had been about paps or newspapers she'd have tweeted after. There was one new tweet which read;

'@officialtulisa: You can't even trust your own flesh and blood these days #pissedoff'

Libby felt sick. She knew this had to be about her. How did she find out? She checked her phone to find out she had 3 message.. all from Tulisa. She decided to read the first one she recieved.

To Libby:

What do you think you're playing at? Just wait till i see you Libby Contostavlos!!!

Libby knew Tulisa was mad as she used her real name. The second message read;

To Libby:

I can't believe you'd do that Libby. Even worse you ignore me! I suggest you stay away from me for a while cos you're gunna hate me when i see you! Sort it out!

Libby knew she was dead now. Tulisa was like a mother to her, which meant she punished her like one too. Last year she took Libby's phone off her for a week just because she didn't wash the pots! Libby read the final message since she knew she was in serious bother already.

To Libby:

You know what Libby, if you won't reply i'm coming over. You've got some explaining to do girl, see you at 8. 

Libby's faced dropped. She was coming over? Today? Libby looked at the time which said; 7:45. Tulisa was coming in 15 mintues. What would she do? 

10 minutes later there was a knock on the door. Libby felt physically sick. She opened the door and Tulisa barged in and into the living room. Libby shut the door behind her and sighed. She hated her life right now. Why did no one understand her? She walked into the living room and sat on the sofa across from T.

'So like i said, you've got some explaining to do, so i suggest you do it now,' Tulisa said sternly.

'Why should i explain anything to you T? You don't care about me, just get back to your stupid famous life!' Libby shouted.

'I suggest you tell me right now or else you're in serious bother. I ain't joking Libby!' Tulisa shouted back.

'What's to tell? I missed college, so what? You did it all the time so what's the big deal?' Libby replied.

Tulisa looked shocked. She was angry. How dare Libby bring her childhood into this?

'My childhood are yours are completly different, and you know it! So don't you dare tell me this crap Libby! If this was me Mum would have slapped me and locked me in my room by now. I'm actually letting you talk and explain yourself, which is what i never had chance to do! I suggest you tell me right now or else we are done!' Tulisa screamed.

Libby was worried. She hardly ever heard Tulisa like this. Libby sat staring at the floor for around 5 mintues until she finally spoke.

'If you want to know why i skipped college I'll tell you, just don't blame me after. I bunked off college because my life is crap. This morning my friends text me, telling me they were so excited about you coming to our college. Asking me if i was too. I'm fed up of lying to the people i love, even worse lying to Maddison. She's like my sister, yet she doesn't even know the biggest secret of my life. My other friends constantly fangirling over you. Constantly asking me if i'm excited. The fact i can't even go out with my father in public incase we get spotted. I can't do anything, i'm just stuck here. Alone. Dad text me tonight, asking if i was alright alone. Mum isn't even bothered, and as for you you'd rather i attend college than be happy in life. You don't care about me at all T, you only care about the music and your fans. Money isn't everything you know, i'd like to actually spend time with my sister,  my old sister, the one before all the fame who used to be my best friend. I love you so much and hate you so much at the same time. I really can't live like this no more. The worst part is knowing that my best friend thought i was ill today, she messaged me all day asking how i was. Do you know how much it hurts having to lie to her? I can't do this anymore, I give up. How can i live my life when i have this great, big, dirty secret hanging over my shoulders?' Libby said softely whilst tears strolled down her cheek.

There was silence. Tulisa didn't know what to say, nor did Libby. A tear strolled down Tulisa's cheek as she patter the sofa next to her.

'Come here babe,' Tulisa said softly.

'What so you can hit me? So you can take my phone then leave me here alone?' Libby replied.

'No, so i can hug my beautiful little sister,' Tulisa said.

Libby walked over to Tulisa and sat next to her. Tulisa threw her arms around Libby and kissed her head.

'I love you so much Libs, I'm sorry for reacting in the way i did. You know how much i was you to pass college because i never did. I love you,' Tulisa cried.

'It's fine T, I shouldn't have skipped college. I just can't lie to Maddie no more T, i really cant! How did you find out anyway?' Libby asked.

'Ny told me. Well she didn't exactly. She rang and told me she was worried about you, worried that you're not coping. I made her tell me why, which led to me finding out. So please don't be mad at her, she was only doing it for the best Libs.' Tulisa replied stroking Libby's hair.

'Hmm, it's ok. I won't be mad at her. I can't go tomorrow though, I can't face Maddison knowing that i've lied to her. I can't do it T,' Libby sobbed.

'I think i can solve that Libs. How about you bring her round now? Tell her the truth. I'm sure she'd keep it a secret. Anyway after the event at your college i was planning on telling everyone the truth, providing it was ok with you of course. I can't see my sister suffering like this, secret or no secret,' Tulisa told her.

'You'd really let me tell Maddison now? You'd actually do that? I love you so much T. And i'd like it if you told people, then i don't have to live a lie anymore,' Libby said smiling.

'Ye, you're my everything Libby. I love you so much, you're just like a mini me! Text her now, if you wanna. I'll do this for you, even though i look a right state!' Tulisa laughed.

'Ok, i'll do it now. And T.. I don't hate you, i just.. dislike you at times,' Libby replied.

'It's fine muffin, i get ya,' Tulisa laughed whilst rustling Libby's hair.

Libby grabbed her phone and text Maddison.

From Libby:

Hey Maddie, fancy coming over? Make sure you come alone! I've go some big news to tell you and i hope you don't hate me for it. Libby xxx

She immediatly recieved a reply from her.

To Libby:

I'm coming now. What's wrong? I'm worried Libs! Maddie xx

From Libby: 

Don't worry, i'm fine. Just need to talk, see you soon, L xx

Libby put the phone in her pocket and turned to T.

'She's coming now. I'm scared T!' Libby told her.

'Don't be babe, we have to do this, i'm with you 100%!' Tulisa replied.

Libby was so worried. What if Maddison hated her for lying? What if she didn't want to be her friend anymore? What if she told everyone? Libby felt sick to her stomach. 

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