Day 9

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Today's story is written by Tara @tjhadlow and follows on from Day 1!

So here's Part 2... (Small smut warning for the end..)

Andy woke up first on Christmas Eve, she wasn't feeling too well but just put it down to the pregnancy. The more she thought about it, she still couldn't wrap her brain around the fact that she was going to have twins. She'd been a lot more drained with this pregnancy, but hadn't had as much morning sickness as she did with Savannah so it took her a little off guard that she needed to run to the bathroom to be sick. Robert felt her get out of bed quickly so he got up and followed her in to the bathroom. He knelt down next to her, held her hair out of her face and rubbed her back.

"Hey baby, I've got you. It's been ages since you've been sick, does everything else feel ok?"

Andy finished throwing up and turned to sit with her back against the wall and brought her knees in to her chest. Robert sat in front of her, rubbing her thighs and leaning his forehead against hers.

"Yeah I feel fine other than this, I'll be alright in a minute."

"Here, drink this" he said as he gave her a glass of water.

"Thanks babe. Let me just brush my teeth and I'll come back to bed."

"Okay, call me if you need me."

Andy drank the glass of water, brushed her teeth and tied her hair in a loose, messy bun. She opened the en suite door to her husband setting down some tea on her bedside table and climbing in to bed. She pulled the covers back and climbed in next to him, moving straight in to his open arms and buried her head in his chest.

"Happy Christmas Eve babe" She said, muffled by his body.

"Happy Christmas Eve to you too, my love" He replied, stroking her back and kissing her head. "Do you feel a bit better?"

"Yeah, much, thank you. I just want to cuddle for a bit longer until the baby wakes up."

"Good, you know, we're going to have to stop calling her the baby soon, she's almost 4 and there'll be two other tiny humans around before long."

"Nope, she'll always be my baby, whether she likes it or not" Andy said, chuckling quietly.

"I love you, and our little family, so very much."

"I love you too, I wouldn't be able to do any of this without you, we're so grateful we have such an amazing Husband and Daddy looking out for us."

Robert looked in to her eyes, stroked the stray hair from her face, cupped her cheek with his hand and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

"Today is going to be so good, I can't wait." He said whilst tracing circles on his wife's back. "I think I'm more excited than when I was a kid myself."

A little pitter patter of feet could be heard coming down the hall as Savannah came running in to their room, Mr Floppy tightly in one hand, her water cup in the other. Her whacky bed head she had going on made both Robert and Andy let out a chuckle. She came right up to the bed and tried to climb on.

"Good Morning Princess, let's go potty quickly before we get in to Mummy and Daddy's bed." Andy said, getting up and taking Savannah to the toilet.

They finished quickly and Andy lifted her on to the bed where she quickly got under the covers and nestled her way next to Robert, stealing the spot Andy was just in. Robert looked at her and shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry Babe, munchkin got there first" He said, smirking. "What can I say, I'm irresistible to my girls."

Andy picked up her pillow and lightly hit him with it, giggling, before getting back in to bed and cuddling up to their daughter.

"Mummy stay me day?" Savannah asked.

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