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Desean P.O.V
"Baby, try this shit," my boyfriend of three years said to me, holding up a spoon to my mouth. I opened my mouth and let him feed me, loving the taste of the food immediately. I sighed letting my eyes roll back, as I swallowed the food.

"That's for dinner right?," I asked him smiling, hoping that it was because a nigga definitely needed that.

Especially after long nights of studying and doing homework for college, nothing was better than having a delicious meal. This nigga was a chef. Like actually in school for it.

Micah was also in school. We went to the same one. I was studying pediatric dentistry, while Micah was studying Graphic Design. We had an apartment together. Just Micah and I. At least one thing we planned had happened. After all that shit with the hospital, the shooting, the breaking up and abandoning your boyfriend right after he got shot by people that you got into a fight with then leaving you and and ignoring you for years like you were never important and like you don't matter and the-, my bad. But after all that shit, this was the only thing that had gone to plan. We had an apartment together and a job.

We didn't go to the college we wanted to, but this was still a good college. Just wasn't the one that we chose.

That was ok though, I'm sure it would all be worth it in the end. Hopefully.

Micah and I worked at Planet Fitness together. It didn't pay a whole lot, but it payed enough for just the two of us. These student loan were gonna kick my ass afterwards though. I'm not in any sports or anything, so no scholarships. My parents told me they weren't gonna pay it either because I should have gotten my scholarship. Like do you not remember you making me quit all the teams and groups that could have gotten me that scholarship?! Now it's my fault. Whatever.

"Of course De," He spoke kissing my cheek, making me smile. He was so sweet and nice. Of course like any relationship we had out moments, but it was only like 2% of the time. Most of the time it was all good and just perfect. He was always there for me and there wasn't any drama surrounding him. We were all graduating this year too. Well after I graduated I was going to have to do more school. I would be making big bucks in the end so I was stressing about it.

"Who cooking?," I heard Micah ask walking into the kitchen, eyeing the stove.

"Must you eat everything in sight. Are you pregnant?," I asked him jokingly as he walked over toy he stove looking in the pans.

"I can eat?," He asked looking between the two of us.

"You're not gonna wait for us?," I asked him already knowing the answer. Fuck no.

"Man, fuck no," He chuckled grabbing a plate and piling food onto his plate, going into the fridge and grabbing a Gatorade.

"Whatever," I waved him off.

"We might as well eat too," He suggested grabbing two plates.

I guess.
"Should I get this for Keon? He really likes this cologne and I think he's running out," I asked Micah as we walked pass a perfume store in a mall.

"It's not his birthday," He replied.

"You don't only buy stuff for your significant other on holidays Micah. How do you think Luna feels about that?," I asked him walking back to the perfume store and looking at the cologne on the sign.

"Man, she don't care about that shit. All I gotta do is suck her shit from the back and we good," He told motioning his hand like he was sucking dick.

"You're so embarrassing," I told him turning red and covering my face.

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