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Desean P.O.V
I woke up to the same dream that had been traumatizing me for years. I quickly sat up in the bed looking around only to notice that I wasn't in my bed. I was wearing someone else's clothes. This wasn't my room at all. Nothing looked familiar at all. See I was about to panic more. I stood up quickly getting out of the bed and running out into the hallway. I ran down some stairs and keep going until I heard noise. It was a tv. I went I tmr he room, noticing a front door near by and walked quickly over to the door about to exit. I felt someone grab me making me jump and close my eyes.

"Desean, it's just me. You don't remember last night?," Marcus spoke holding me. Every nerve that's was going crazy in my body, immediately calmed down. I sighed looking up at him as he let me go.

"What we're about to do? Just run out into the cold with no shoes, and no phone or nothing?," He asked me with a chuckle.

I nodded my head.

"Well it's just me so there's no need to do that. You wanna go lay back down? It's still mad early. It's only like three," He told me looking down at me. I took in how his skin looked as the tv was the only source of light. He looked so moisturized and he didn't have in a shirt. I could see his abs and v-line which went down to basketball shorts that he was obviously free balling in. Is it bigger.

You have a boyfriend Desean.

"You coming?," He asked me grabbing my wrist and gently pulling me to the bedroom.

"I'm sorry you had to come pick me up. I know it was late, and I'm sorry I took over your bed," I apologized as we made it to the room.

"Don't apologize Desean it's fine. I would do it a million times. I'd do anything for you, I'm just happy you're okay. And I'm not worried about the bed, my couch is comfortable too. You ready to tell me what happened?," He asked me guiding me into the bed and pulling the covers over me.

"Long story short, Keon and I got into an argument and he kicked me out. I couldn't call an Uber because something is wrong with my account and I don't trust them that much anyway, then Micah didn't answer, so I was just gonna walk home, but I had a panic attack," I told him avoiding contact.

"So if I had never called you, would you still be outside right now?," He asked me.

"Yes. I didn't want to call you," I said to him.

"Desean, no matter how you may feel about me, I'll always be there for. Always. I don't care if you 'hate' me, if it's something you need, you know I got it. And what we're arguing about that had him putting you out? I don't like that shit about him kicking you out either. I need to pay him a visit? He ever put his hands on you?," He questioned me growing serious.

"I don't hate you Marcus. I want to for what happened, but I can't actually feel that way about you. I don't know what it is. I didn't want to bother you though, especially after I had been so mean to you. And I didn't text you at all. Keon and I got into an argument over you, and he sent you that and then kicked me out. And no he's never put his hands on me, he's not like that," I told him shaking my head.

"I still don't like that kicking you out shit. Late at night too? If something would have happened to you, I would have killed that boy," Marcus replied sighing and looking at me.

"Marcus, thank you for helping me. Maybe I've been too hard on you, but thank you for helping me earlier. I haven't felt that safe in years," I confessed looking away from him.

"Ole boy don't make you feel safe. And once again you don't have to say thank you. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. You know I love you," He told me, gently touching me leg.

"Yea, I-I know. But um, physically he makes me feel safe, like he's pretty big, so I feel like he can physically protect me, but no one has ever made me feel as safe as you emotionally, mentally, and physically. It's bad because he's my boyfriend, but when I had that panic attack, hugging you made all my fears go away," I said to him still not making eye contact.

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