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Desean P.O.V
I slowly opened my eyes, as I woke up stretching in Marcus' bed. It seemed like I was barely home these days. Always here up under him, riding with him to do work and check on his businesses and shit. I took a deep breathe, scratching my head and closing my eyes back. I'm so fucking sleepy. This nigga wore me out all night long. And when I say all night long, I mean all. Night. Long.

I'm tired as fuck. I felt myself drifting back off, but woke up as soon as i heard the bedroom door open.

"Wake up beautiful," I heard from behind me making me groan. "Come on baby don't be like that,"

"I'm sleepy," I told him, snuggling into the comforter.

"Baby, I wanna take you out to get some breakfast," He replied kissing my check.

"Ihop?," I asked him now having a taste for it.

"Whatever you want," He told me kissing me again. "I already got the shower running for you and everything,"

"Can we match?," I asked him, still laying down.

"Sure Desean. I'll pick out your clothes while you take a shower," He said to me, making me smile internally.

"Ok," I replied, slowly getting out of the bed and stretching for a minute, letting my body shake before standing up. "Fuck,"

I walked into the bathroom, seeing how he already had my towels and everything laid out for me.

I got into the shower and started washing up. Standing there for a minute letting the warm steam surround me. I could go to sleep standing up right now. I ran my left hand through my hair, as I used my right to scrub my body with my loofah that was covered in dove soap.

He started letting me bring my things over here. Big moves.

I felt my hair get caught on something making me hiss and slowly pull my hand out of my hair. I looked at my hand to see what was pulling my hair and saw the biggest ring you could ever think of on my finger. I felt my heart stop beating as I just stared at it.

Am I dumb, or is this what I think it is?

"Marcus!," I yelled out waiting for him to come into the bathroom.

"Yea baby?," He asked me smirking as he walked in.

"Don't yea baby me, what's this? Don't play with me right now!," I said to him showing him the ring as he chuckled walking over to me.

"I'm not playing beautiful. I told you I was going to marry you and make you my husband and I meant it. I know we've been through a lot, but I love you more than anyone in this whole world, and after that chain you gave me the other day, I realized there's not s more thoughtful and beautiful person I would rather be with. I put this ring on your finger last night after we made love and you fell asleep. I wanted you to wake up my fiancé. Wake up knowing that I was serious about how I felt about you. Because I am. So Desean M-," Marcus spoke before I interrupted him by talking.

"YES! You don't have to finish yes! I'll marry you!," I yelled excitedly, jumping up and hugging him even though I was naked and wet. Well this is one way to wake up.

Best morning ever.
We sat at the table in IHOP, as I looked down at my ring smiling. This is the best day ever.

"You still cheesing?," Marcus asked me smiling himself as I nodded my head.

"I'm happy as fuck right now. This is the best day ever," I told him as he chuckled.

"Well I'm happy you're happy baby. Have you told Micah yet?," He asked me, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Yes of course I did. He's so excited he gets to be the best man. I think he's more excited about that, then the actual fact I'm getting married," I told him laughing.

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