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Desean P.O.V
I woke in a room that obviously wasn't mine and stretched. Damn I was getting some good sleep. I felt someone poking my face.

"Leave me alone," I said to the person poking me.

"You wanna miss your graduation?," I heard him ask me. It was Marcus. I shrugged my shoulders cuddling into the pillow more. Fuck graduation. I'm not going.

"I really don't care," I told him.

"Come one man. You've worked so hard for this shit. You don't want to walk across that stage?," He asked me rubbing my back.

"I don't feel like hearing my parents mouth. I'm getting my degree regardless on if I walk or not and just don't feel like going," I replied to him.

"I want to see you walk though and you just gone leave Micah hanging. I'm sure he wanna hold hands and skip across the stage with you," He said to me making me laugh.

"He probably does for real, while you're playing," I said to him laughing.

"Alright, so come on and get ready. I made you breakfast and everything," He replied getting up.

"Wait, Marcus. Are we good?," I asked him nervously.

"What you mean? We good, if you're good. You good?," He responded looking at me confused.

"Well because i thought that you would be more...well I don't know, but just different since I broke up with Keon," I said to him getting out of the bed.

"I'm just letting you make the first move. I know you just broke up and I don't want to make you feel weird," He told me. "I mean think about it, it took Micah calling me over, because you didn't want to,"

"You didn't care before," I reminded he with a raised eyebrow. He chuckled, gently pushing me into y he bathroom to get ready.

"Yea because you didn't either, no matter how much you said you did. I mean you were about to kiss me," I stated starting the shower for me.

"I wasn't, so shut up," I spoke, pushing him out of the bathroom and taking my clothes off.

"LIAR!," He yelled through the door, making me roll my eyes, big ass kid.

I quickly took my shower and got dressed and ready for the day. I want to get this shít over with, so I can start with the next part of my life.

I haven't talked to Keon since the other day. A lot of people however were feeding into what he posted about me though. I don't care though. I'm so over everything at this point, being dragged online is the least of my worries.

I walked down the stairs after getting ready completely and walked to the kitchen where Marcus was standing.

I watched as he fixed me a plate and a cup of coffee, walking it over to me with a small smile. I smiled back at him, looking at his body. He had on pants, but his shirt was removed, probably to make sure he didn't get anything on it. I missed being able to look at him freely without feeling guilty about it.

"Thank you," I told him, eating a piece of sausage.

"Mhm, and stop staring," He spoke walking away making me smack my lips.

"Nobody staring at you," I mumbled.

Nobody wanna look at you.
We arrived at our graduation location, ready to walk across that stage. This was big step. Graduating from college. Maybe I should be more excited since I didn't get to have highschool graduation. I just hope todays events were nothing like last time. I can't even step foot in a hospital without feeling sick.

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