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Desean P.O.V
I walked out of the campus building and straight to my car. I didn't feel good, but was being requested at my parents house for whatever reason. I had a headache, my nose was stuffy, and I had a fever. All I wanted to do was lay down in my bed, take some medicine and go to sleep.

I turned on the heat in my car and connected my phone, turning on some music before I took off. My phone started ringing making me sigh and answer it.


"Damn, I can't get a 'Hi Baby'?,"

"I'm sorry. I just don't feel good and I have to go see my parents for whatever reason and I don't want to. I'm just not in a good mood,"

"You want me to come with you?,"

"I'll be fine. You can come to my house though after I leave here and make me feel better,"

"Yea I can definitely do that baby,"

"Ok good because I've had a looong day and I mi- Hold on," I told him turning the music down. Fuck, please tell me my tire isn't flat.

"Baby, you ok?,"

"I have a flat tire man. Can this day get any worst!? Let me call you back,"

"You want me to come meet you? Where are you baby, I'll come to you?,"

"No, I'm fine, I can change my own tire," I told him hanging up. Sorry baby I'm just not in a good mood. I pulled over to the side of the road, laying my head on my steering wheel. I hate my life. I got out of my car on the passenger side after climbing over, and going to my trunk. I should have a spare tire. I don't have a jack. Could this day get any worst?!

I heard a car pull up behind me making me turn around and look at the person.

"Are you following me or something? Why is it that everytime I look up, you're here. Marcus just leave," I told him crossing my arms.

"I'm just trying to help you. You have a spare tire?," He asked me ignoring me telling him to leave.

"Marcus...," I spoke looking at him.

"Desean," He replied staring back at me.

"Can you leave me alone I don't need your help," I told him, taking my tire out of my trunk to see if i maybe put the Jack under the tire.

"It seems like you do. I have one of these and you don't," He spoke holding up one, with a smirk.

"Marcus. How many times do I have to tell you, I don't want to be around you? Can you just leave me alone?! I'll figure it out myself," I yelled at him, taking out my phone about to call my dad to see if he could help.

"Desean just get in the car and let me fix the tire for you. I know you hate me, but I don't hate you, just let me help," He spoke walking over tel my car.

"You only want to help me so you can feel better about what you did. This is like your 'righting you wrongs' mission and I don't want to be apart of it so just leave me alone," I spoke rolling my eyes.

"Desean get yo little ass in the fucking car now. I'm not playing with you," He spoke in a calm tone, making me smack my lips and get in the car slamming the door shut. I hate this nigga.

I waited for a little bit before I heard him knocking on my window. I got out of the car and walked back there to see my tire put on and brand new. Now I can go. Dammit I still have to go to my parents house.

"Finally," I spoke sighing, as he put the other tire back in my trunk and then closed it. I tried to walk away, but was stopped by him pulling me back.

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