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Desean P.O.V
I stepped out of Marcus' shower, in his master bedroom and walked into the room. This house he lived in was fucking crazy. I had never seen a room this big in my life. This shit was the size of my apartment. His bed was the best part about it. Comfortable as fuck.

Ever since we got back, he hasn't really been talking to me. The whole car ride back was silent, we walked in the house together silent, I asked him if I could take a shower and he silently pointed to the bathroom door. I know he probably thinks I gave Keon another chance. Which I did...

It's not as it seems though. I told him I forgive him and that I was over what he did. I let him know I didn't hate him and that we could be cool, but not together. I explained to him that what happened was for a reason and that maybe we were just better off with other people. He was a good guy and he deserved happiness too, but maybe just not with me. Officially ending things with him did hurt a bit. The sadness in his eyes when I told him we couldn't be together hurt my heart. He looked so fucking heartbroken and he even asked me again I said no.

"Please Desean, I'll do anything. I love you and I CNAT imagine being without you. Please baby, I need you,"

He even cried. Well only a few tears fell but still. I just felt so bad about it. I couldn't deny what my heart wanted though. And that was Marcus. I love Akron deeply, but no matter how good he made me feel, he just wasn't Marcus. I'm wrong, I know, but the heart wants what it wants. Now this big baby that was downstairs, didn't even want to talk to me so I could tell him that.

I laid down in his bed, with nothing but a towel on, sighing at the comfortable feeling. Was this bed made of clouds. And it smelled just like him too. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes and smiling a bit.

"What are you doing?," I heard Marcus ask me as he walked into the room.

"What does it look like?," I asked him with a chuckle.

"Desean are you back with that nigga or no? Cut to the chase," He spoke walking over to me and standing in front of me. Grey sweats.

"Well if you would have actually talked to me earlier, I would have told you that I'm not. I told him I forgave him, but my heart belonged to someone else who is currently acting like a baby," I told him, cuddling into the pillow.

"So y'all not getting back together?," He asked me, his whole mood doing a 180.

"No crazy," I responded.

"So that means, you can be my baby again? Nah Im not even gone ask you. So that means you're my baby again," He spoke, changing up how he said it and sitting down next to me.

"Fine Marcus," I smiled at him.

"Fine?," He asked me laying down next to me.

"Yes fine," I replied, looking up at him as he leaned over me and down to me.

I closed my eyes waiting for him to kiss me and once he finally did, it was like I felt fucking fireworks. He put his hand on my waist, pulling me closer to him and deepened the kiss. I sighed into his mouth, putting my hand on the back of his head.

"Desean, imma need you to chill before I g-," Marcus said to me pulling away from the kiss slightly.

"I want you to," I told him looking him in his eyes. He raised an eyebrow, before undoing my towel and pulling me away from it, laying me on my back. He took my legs bending them back so my knees were touching my shoulders.

"I missed this shit," He said in a husky tone, before leaning down and kissing both of my cheeks.

"Me too," I replied, breathing out as he slowly licked me from my gooch to my hole. Gooch that's a funny wo-

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