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Desean P.O.V
It had been a few days since Micah and I had our talk. And since I talked to Luna. All I could say was that the girls mind was made up. She wanted to be with her parents in Italy and I understood that, but I just wish her happiness didn't have to be at the expense of his.

It was about 10 in the morning, and we were at Marcus' house. I was the only one awake, while Marcus was next to me dead to he world and Micah was in another room knocked out. He had been out of the house everyday this week hanging out with our neighbor Enzo.

I think he's cheating on me. I was only kidding, but im glad to see Micah have another person to hang out with and shit. You can tell he's still sad, but at the same time he was looking better and smiling more. Enzo was a cool person. The three of us actually hung out together and he was pretty funny.

I was also picking up on something that I don't honk Micah was. Enzo was definitely checking him out. Finding a reason to touch him. Anything. My boy was crushing bad and Micah didn't even notice it. It wasn't my business so I wasn't going to say anything, but I definitely peeped.

I don't know how that was going to work though because well, Micah was straight.

Anyway though, I was hungry and went to find some cereal. I would have made breakfast, but he was running low on everything and didn't have much of anything in here to eat.

After making my bowl, I walked outside to the backyard, sitting down in a chair and began eating my cereal. I sighed looking at the beautiful pool and view I had right now. This was perfect. It seemed like things were finally looking up for me. No parents trying to direct my life and act like they own me. Judge every little thing I do and belittle me for it.

I was finally able to make my own choices and didn't know what to do. Like I would be starting my school, but I also had to find a new job. Then worry about tuition and getting a new car to get to and from places, since mine decided to act like it couldn't wait a few years before quitting on me.

I wondered if my parents thought about me or if I was just cut from their mind like I never existed. Did they even miss me? Maybe they were actually happy that I was gone and were off somewhere living his best life.

Maybe I should call them, just to at least make sure they weren't dead or anything. It had been a couple weeks.

I left my phone in the house. I'll just call them later.

I finished up my bowl of cereal, sitting it down on the small table next to me, as I laid back in the chair. I should just go jump in in the water head first. No don't do that Desean.

I kinda wanna watch SpongeBob. I love that show.

"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SpongeBob SquarePants!," I sand out loud dancing in my seat.

"You deadass?," I heard from the side of me making me jump as I looked up at Marcus, watching me with his arms crossed.

"What? And where are your clothes?," I asked him as he stood in front of me now, with nothing but boxer briefs on. That print on full display.

"Clothes in my house?," He replied chuckling at my face.

"What if Micah sees you?," I asked him looking at his body. Damn this man.

"Micah? He left earlier this morning with Enzo. You were sleep, and after he left I came back to bed and then you got up first the second time," He explained moving closer to me.

"Why do you keep getting closer?," I asked him as he looked down at me smirking. He smelled so fucking good.

"I know you see this morning wood," He told me, grabbing himself and giving it a squeeze, before reaching in a pulling it out. I looked up at him, smirking a bit as he tapped his tip on my lips a couple times before I opened up my mouth.

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