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Desean P.O.V
I sat in my bed, with Keon on FaceTime, as I typed up my essay on my laptop. I was on my last page thank god.

"Baby, you wanna build a snowman with me tomorrow?," I heard Keon ask me through the phone making me laugh. We had snow finally. It hasn't been snowing here at all. Climate change was real y'all.

It was February and there was no snow, the weather wasn't freezing either. Now that we had some snow finally, I guess this big ass kid wanted to build a snow man.

"Yes Anna I'll build a snowman with you," I told him laughing.

"Good, good. Hopefully Micah won't kick his head off this year," He spoke rolling his eyes.

"If he does, he'll be eating snow again like last year," I told him chuckling as I typed more of my paper.

I continued typing for about 15 minutes, then I heard someone knocking on my door.

"Micah?," I questioned. The door opened and in walked Micah, looking defeated as he walked over to my bed, and laid down face first.

"Micah, you good?," I asked him confused. He seems stressed.

"Um, Keon, can I ca-," I started before he cut me off.

"Best friend shit? I'm already hip baby, I'll talk to you later or you can just call me when you're done talking if you want. I love you," He spoke kissing me through the phone. I did it back before talking.

"I love you too, I'll call you later most likely," I told him before hanging up.

"Micah, what's wrong?", I asked him again, as he turned over on his back sighing.

"She won't answer my calls," He spoke flat, looking at my ceiling.

"After what happened the other day?," I asked him confused.

"Yes, like the day after she was responding to my texts, and even though they were dry she was responding. Now she won't answer my calls or texts. I even went to her house and she wouldn't answer the door," He spoke sighing.

"Is she ok?," I asked him growing concerned. I know when I start ignoring people, and distancing myself, it's because I'm hurting myself. I hope that wasn't the case with her.

"I know she's not dead or anything because she posted on her story today. She just won't talk to me," He spoke whining and thrashing around in my bed like a kid. I continued typing as I spoke again.

"Well maybe she's just embarrassed about what happened. I mean public humiliation isn't light, especially when it's something like that, I'm sure it's just a lot on her," I told him patting his leg.

"But she can be embarrassed with me. I just wanna make sure she's ok, but she won't let me be there for her. I'm sure she'll feel better if she talks about it and it's not like I care about it so why does she? So what people know she's trans, she has that on her IG. It posted everywhere on her socials. I understand being upset by the other shit though but ghosting your boyfriend for it? I was trying to make her feel better," He spoke now sitting up and typing on his phone. Most likely texting Luna again.

"Well maybe she wants to get over it on her own. Not all people like to talk about their feelings and be around people when they go through shit. Now I'm saying it's right to necessarily ghost or ignore you, but maybe she's just trying to figure things out on her own. And yea she has it posted everywhere, but maybe she didn't want some random man screaming it out loud and adding all that other shit on the end too. Then to be recorded and all of that? I would be going through it too. She might just be embarrassed, even around you," I told him as I put the final touches on my paper. Finally fucking done. 8 pages later. This better be an A, I need my 4.0...

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