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Marcus P.O.V
I walked out of my bathroom with nothing on, going straight into my bedroom. I had a new house and it looked amazing. I was now the owner of multiple businesses across the country and I had just hit my millionaire status. I had everything I wanted except someone to share it with. The only person I wanted to share it with, currently hated me. He had a right to, I mean I did just up and leave him in a hospital. Then ghost him, but it was what I thought was right. Anyway, it was weird that after all these years my love for him never even faded.

I loved that boy so much even though it had been years. He was the one I was supposed to be with. I don't know what it was about him, but he just made me feel complete. I honestly never expected to see him again. When I left, I didn't plan on coming back and I didn't plan seeing him again. Once I saw him it was like all those feelings I had for him came back even stronger. He looked so damn good, even with this attitude he had now. He wasn't my same sweet baby.

I wasn't even mad at it though. I couldn't be.

I grabbed my lotion and began applying it all over body before getting dressed. I was having the grand opening to my restaurant tonight and I wanted to invite Desean and his friends, but I guess now he was the one doing the ignoring. Fair enough. I did still have Micah's number so I could just call him.

Desean could hate me all he wanted to, I was gonna get my baby back.

Then again maybe I should just leave him alone, he did seem to be happy with Keon.

But I could make him happier.

I never planned to be gone for that long, but time just kinda flew by being alone like that. I had to leave after that shit with my father though. I wasn't on the run or anything, but I just needed some time away. A lot had happened.

I grabbed all of my shit and headed out the front door and to my car. I had a lot of shit to do today. My first stop was going to be my restaurant just to make sure everything was ready for tonight. This was going to be my first restaurant and I couldn't wait to see how it did. I was going for good vibes and good vibes. Black light, soul food, and good music. There would be a certain dress code and an age requirement. I was letting Desean come regardless.

I should call him one more time. Then after this if he wants me to leave him alone, I will. For now.


"Why do you keep calling me?,"

"Why else would I have your number Desean? That's normally what people do when they have it. It's been a few weeks though and you've been ignoring me, why? If you didn't want to talk to me you didn't have to give me your number,"

"You ignored me for years, what's the big deal about a couple weeks?,"

"You're right, my bad,"

"What do you want Marcus?,"

"I wanted to invite you and Micah, and yes even Keon to my restaurant that I have opening up tonight. Good food, nice music, and all of that. I want you to be there,"

"I have plans tonight,"

"Plans doing what? Nothing at all,"

"I don't want to come Marcus. Don't you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend or something?,"

"Yea, but he's really mad at right now and giving the attention that belongs to me to another nigga,"

"I'm hanging up Marcus,"

"Wait, wait! I was just playing around I can't play with you anymore. We can't even be friends?,"

"No because you don't want to be my friend,"

Hood Baby II: Starting OverWhere stories live. Discover now