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Desean P.O.V
I really wished everyone would just leave me alone. Stay out of my business. And just leave me the fuck alone.

Everyone had something to say about me or something I was doing or wasn't doing and it was posing me off. I had parents trying to control me life, Marcus trying to come back into my life, Keon mad about Marcus trying to come back in my life, Micah trying to help Marcus back back into my life, it's like what about me?!

I was graduating soon and all I wanted to do was just that. Graduate and mind my business. Am I wrong for not wanting to be friends with Marcus? I mean he broke my heart, I just don't understand how I'm wrong here but whatever.

"Keon, can we go out tonight? Just you and me," I asked him as we sat in his car eating.

"Where you wanna go?," He asked me, taking a sip of his pop.

"It doesn't matter, surprise me," I told him smiling.

"You're so cute baby. You know that? I'm dating the finest nigga in the whole world," He told me smirking.

"Me? Have you seen yourself?," I asked him chuckling.

"Yea, I know I'm fine," He told me shrugging.

"I mean, i wasn't going to say that, but whatever," I said jokingly looking away from him.

"Don't try to play me, you know I'm the finest nigga you done seen," He spoke, looking at me.

"I don't know about that," I mumbled looking back at him smiling.

"Alright fine I'm taking you home," He told me, sitting his food down.

"NO WAIT, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I laughed leaning over and kissing his cheek.

"You coming home with me?," He asked me as I nodded my head.

"Yea, I definitely don't wanna go home right now. I just wanna be up under my boyfriend and chill," I told him looking down at my phone.

"Something happen at home?," He asked me.

"It's just...nothing it's fine," I told him not even wanting to bring up Marcus.

"Come on baby, tell me what's wrong for real," he spoke looking at me.

"He feels I'm being to hard on Marcus, because he apologized and tried to make it up to me. It's like am I not entitled to my own opinion of him," I said out loud shaking my head.

"Why does it even matter? I'm still trying to understand why he's even being brought up. Like I thought we left him behind years ago and after the other day I thought you blocked him?," He spoke making me look down.

Yea I may have told him that I was blocking him and I never actually got around to it. Now I wasn't lying when I told Marcus that Keon was busy that night and couldn't come, but I didn't tell Keon that the restaurant I was going to was owned by Marcus. And he sat with us. And gave us free food and drinks. And personally invited me.

I don't even know why I went, but I feel like I shouldn't have because now I feel guilty.

"I forgot to, but it's not like we talk or anything. He says he wants to be friends," I told him shrugging.

"Friends for what?," He asked me drowning his face.

"I don't know, to do friend stuff, but I told him no anyway. People still think I'm being too hard on him, like I'm not in a relationship with you," I spoke, feeling my phone vibrate.

From "Marcus":
Hey I'm having a little even at my black art museum.
I would love for you to come. As a friend. I know you told me I was too late and shit, but I still feel like our time isn't done. You're more than welcome to bring Keon with you and whoever else you want. Just let me know in advance, so I can put you on my V.I.P.

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