"But I Don't Want To Go"

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C H A P T E R - 1

"Yoon get up,  and get ready"  Taehyung said to a sleepy Yoongi who was half a sleep eating his breakfast "Where are we going?" Yoongi look up from his chair to Taehyung.

"To the company we're else" When Yoongi hair that he on the verge of crying "NO0o!!" Yoongi replied back wiggling in his chair almost fell out if it weren't for Jungkook "Hey! what happen if yo fall! huh" Jungkook look down on Yoongi, Yoongi look down and whisper a 'sorry'
"okay know get ready and go with Taehyung."

 "But I don't want to go" Yoongi said getting up from the chair slowly "What you mean you don't what to go?" Jungkook ask Yoongi gulp he didn't like Jungkook mad because it's hard to make the younger mad "Nothing" Yoongi whisper

"Good you know your not supposed to be home alone not know anyways so get up and get ready and don't make Taehyung late" Yoongi nod walking  head down going up stairs.

Jungkook sigh, Taehyung laugh "What are you laugh at hyung" Jungkook look "You don't like being hard on him" Jungkook sign again "yes I don't I hate it"
"Then don't" Taehyung said walking towards Jungkook "it's not that easy I care too much"
"He may not think that" Taehyung said pointing at the stairs

Jungkook look confused and look we're Taehyung was pointing see Yoongi standing there pouting. Jungkook couldn't help put to smile "And your the oldest" Yoongi winning and pout more

Jungkook get up and gose to Yoongi who was about to walk away "hyung~"hold his hand and bring him ina bear hug "sorry I was mad hyung you are just too stubborn for your own good" Jungkook sadi kiss his hyung for head "you forgive you're kook" Jungkook pushback to look at Yoongi who nod.

"Okay you can stay home" yoongi feel like jump put hold it "you know the rules and if you break it you know what well happen and you have to go with Taehyung okay" Taehyung said tone really serious Yoongi nood quickly

Yoongi watch as his two young brothers in front of him."how we look hyung?"

Yoongi put his hand on his chin looking up and down at Jungkook and Taehyung

Yoongi put his hand on his chin looking up and down at Jungkook and Taehyung

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"Y'all look bad go change " Yoongi say serious voice "Hyung that was rude I think I look hit" Taehyung said "you know who look hot" Yoongi said smirk "who"

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"Y'all look bad go change " Yoongi say serious voice "Hyung that was rude I think I look hit" Taehyung said "you know who look hot" Yoongi said smirk "who"

"Me!" In duh look "Yeah right you look cute hyung" Jungkook pinch Yoongi cheek "Stoop" Yoongi said rubbing his cheeks "hah okay hyung we're living remember the rules" Yoongi nodded and drag then out

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