Once again

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C H A P T E R - 4


"JUNGKOOKIE I can explain" Yoongi said running away from mad bunny "what did I told never go in my office didn't I"

"Am sorry-ahhh" Yoongi couldn't finish his sentence when Jungkook grap a hold of him"sorry you say" Jungkook say then drag Yoongi to his office on their way the saw Taehyung "Taeie help your hyung" Taehyung think  that Yoongi is not sorry he shake his head walking to his office "the betrayal" Yoongi say as the door close.

Taehyung was in his office when he heard cries on the other side "I thought he say he won't hit him" Taehyung*sigh* and get up "Can't they be quite for a day- I got to go work soon" Taehyung open his door he goes to a desk that was in the hallway and take out keys extra keys to everyone room in the house.
Taehyung walk to Jungkook office not even knocking open his door "JUNGKOOK" Taehyung yell at what he saw "Are you crazy or so shit bro let him go" Taehyung say see Yoongi lay down belly way on Jungkook lap and by the look of it his ass was really red as if he been hitting him.

Jungkook did just that and Yoongi get up fast and try to run to Taehyung but his foot was wiggle tears, was fall from his eyes as if it a waterfall. "Taeie~" Yoongi say weakly stretch out his hand to Taehyung.
Taehyung walk up to him "am sorry baby" he said in whisper voice but a enough for Jungkook to hear as well "I been a bad brother" he add and pick up Yoongi "let's sleep okay" Taehyung say kiss his brother cheek "And you we talk about this" all Jungkook did was turn his back against the two "Whatever man, he deserves it"

Taehyung left the room waking to his, what his he talking about, refers to Jungkook he open his door walking to his hug bed and place a sleeping Yoongi on his bed.
Taehyung was about to walk away put Yoongi hold his hand"don't go taeie" how can he say no he take off his vest and go on the bed getting comfy with Yoongi cuddle up to him "what did you do Yoongi" Yoongi froze he move away from Taehyung going to the other side "nevermind you can go now" Taehyung take a deep breath and pull back Yoongi back to him "ahhh my ass you big head fool" Taehyung look at Yoongi seriously "What. Did. You. Do, and I won't ask again" Jungkook maybe scary but Taehyung is much worse.

Yoongi gulp and take a deep breath "I accidentally broke mom vase" Taehyung look at Yoongi puzzle "what vase" Yoongi try to wiggles out of his head "I SAID WHAT VASE"
"THE ONE WERE HER ASHES IN" Yoongi started to cry, Taehyung hold on to Yoongi hand to tight "tae you hurted me-"
"Don't call me that"

The only reason that the case in jungkook room was because of Taehyung it was supposed to be in living room are go to the oldest put Yoongi is to clumsy and he was all ways in Taehyung room so he can't put it there that only leaves Jungkook the room he afraid to go in but not today.

Taehyung couldn't do anything it was his fault Yoongi ask if he can go visit mom and dad's and he said yes didn't think of the possibility that Yoongi pick it up and trip and fall "is that why your hands is bleeding" Yoongi nodded "use your voice baby"
"Y~yes. Taehyung am sorry" Taehyung shake his head and cuddle Yoongi in his chest "it's okay it's my fault I should have come with you" Yoongi pull out of Taehyung arms once again Taehyung sigh and look at his empty hands 'he hate being in my hands' "No it's not my fault am the oldest and I act like 5 years old call that embarrassing" Yoongi say look down pouting "come here" Taehyung say drag Yoongi in his arms once again.
"Did you tell Jungkook why you were in his office" Yoongi shake his head "nope" "why?" Taehyung ask Yoongi was about pull away "no stay here hyung" Taehyung whin ready to fall asleep "no he didn't give me any chance stupid bunny"
What they didn't know was that

Jungkook was behind the door

Taehyung woke up to see Yoongi was next to him put he wasn't ready to see Jungkook sleeping next to Yoongi on the other side, Taehyung smile and drink a bottle a water that was on his night stand and lay back down go back to sleep 'work can wait another day"

To be continued ...  Vote


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