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C H A P T E R - 5


wake up early today, I get crawl out of my blanket take a step to my door "Okay" I say to my self walking out of my room.
I wake up early because I will make breakfast for my brothers and lunch to it's 5:22 am and they live at 7 am.
"Mmm? I think I should make there lunch first cause it takes a long time and then the breakfast cause who need cold breakfast" I say taking a my going to down the stairs.

Once I was done stairs I head to the kitchen "Okay let's cook" I pick up the things that I well be using that start cooking...........
After I was finish I fry two eggs and place one of each on top of the rice in the two lunch box.

I smile at myself being so proud, I cover both lunch but then in lunch kit and a note in them "okay done" I look at the time it was 6am "damn that thank long than a expected" I say I heard the doors open "I didn't even started on their breakfast y...

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I smile at myself being so proud, I cover both lunch but then in lunch kit and a note in them "okay done" I look at the time it was 6am "damn that thank long than a expected" I say I heard the doors open "I didn't even started on their breakfast yet" I pout and hurry turn back the fire on and start cooking, I used the rice I use to made the lunch.

"Something smell good" I heard one of  them say "Yooni you making us breakfast" I feels hand around my waist "yes I'm" I say to him ",good morning to you hyung but you don't have to we could have do it" Jungkook say still back hugging me.
"What kind of big brother would I be if I didn't.and beside you guys don't even make breakfast you don't call eat  coffee breakfast and u don't even made lunch"

"But we buy lunch" I heard a new voice "yeah yeah move y'all distracted me" I say wiggle my self out of Jungkook hug, I heard a little okay from them and they gone "they most going to take a shower."
I finished mad us breakfast and but then on the table I was planning to make two but I forgot I have to go to office with tae-"OMG I didn't made my lunch" I pout sigh in defeat "I got no time to make another one"

I say walking up stairs to take a shower as well.

I finished and got read I went back downstairs see the two waiting for me "hyung? Why is they only two lunch" I fiddle with my hands "I forget i make mine- I-I was in moment of making you guys but I forget that I have to go with your so I made two...

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I finished and got read I went back downstairs see the two waiting for me "hyung? Why is they only two lunch" I fiddle with my hands "I forget i make mine- I-I was in moment of making you guys but I forget that I have to go with your so I made two sorry" I look down.
"Come here hyung" I go to Taehyung and set down "it's okay we aren't bad but don't forget again okay" I nodded "you can have mine" I look quickly at him"you no want it" said not realize how sad my voice was "no of course hyung but-"
"But nothing I made it for you" I pout "I be sad if u no eat what I made sooo early for" I turn away from him look at Jungkook how was smiling"what you smiling about" I said annoyed

"Sorry u always mean to me" I heard Jungkook said "I I was mean why would I wasted my sleep to made you lunch and breakfast an- you know give it me no eat" I said about get up taking the food form Jungkook my Taehyung hold me back.
"Hyung I M sorry don't take it" Jungkook say with fake pout of his "why you hold me you don't want yours either find than" I said I was upset now "no don't be upset me and Jungkook loved it right kook?"
I see that Jungkook was nodd I smile and eat my breakfast

"Wow Yoon is eating" I roll my eyes "of course I am I was the one cooking it so I cook what I like to" I say sassy
"Yoongi." Taehyung give me warning tone I fold my hands and pout and he kiss my cheeks I see Jungkook give  tongue "But look tae Jungkook give tongue" I complained "Jungkook." I smile and the face Jungkook as on

We finish eat and was heading out Taehyung and Jungkook both say they will let me eat anything for lunch cause I been good today I was riding with Taehyung since I can't go with jungkook because he's studying

We finish eat and was heading out Taehyung and Jungkook both say they will let me eat anything for lunch cause I been good today I was riding with Taehyung since I can't go with jungkook because he's studying

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To be continued

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To be continued...

(Oh I didn't see my mistakes on character so Namjoon and hobi same Mother but different father that why they got different names like Jung and Kim

And if you think Jimin and Jin are brothers they aren't just cousins)

THE KIMS (Kim Yoongi overprotective brothers)Where stories live. Discover now