day 1(night)

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Chapter- 10

It's day 1 since Taehyung gone "YOOoNGIIi!!"Jungkook yelled running after Yoongi who was running around the house "I swear it hasn't even been a day yet and I'm already tired" Jungkook was now just now give up am being patient with Yoongi

"Yoongi get your ASS here RIGHT NOW DON'T MAKE ME TALK AGAIN" Jungkook as he see his hyung take his time going to him "Have u forgotten who hold me back when am get anger"

Yoongi glup remember that Taehyung was the one who hold back JK "I ask you a question" Yoongi look up quickly, *nod* *shake* "I mean yes?"

Jungkook sigh "get to your room it's late" Yoongi pout "b-but it's 6 at ni-" Jungkook didn't let you finish "I don't care room now" Yoongi Strom off mumbling under his breath "stupid"
"WHAT did you say"

"Nothing!!!" Yoongi say run to his room "I say this hyung well be reason why I go to bed worry are mad at this point" *sigh* walking to his office

Yoongi: I swear he thing he can treat me like this am his hyung for crying or loud "am not sleeping"

Yoongi flip his sheet ready to get in bed once he lay done he cover him min later he fall asleep

Jungkook: I was in my office doing work then my phone ring "ah it's hyung" I happily accept it "hyung!"
'hellokook- how is hyung he's okay' well that ruined my mood now am upset "good he is sleeping that's all"
'a-'. "okay good bye" I ended the call, all Taehyung worry about is hyung if his okay all day hyung this and that, like am here too.

Jungkook: It's whatever am not upset I love my hyungs not mad "nope am fine" I keep tilling my self but am not "why can't hyung ask if am okay, or or what am going" sigh* drop my face on my desk

"Okay stop this sad story let see if hyung is sleeping"

With Taehyung

Taehyung: why did he end the call like that he sound upset about something. Did I cause it? he was happy when he answer the call *sigh* "I wanna go home now" I don't like it at all "I call him back" why is he not answer, it has not been a day and I make a mistake from for away
"Sir the meeting start" *sigh* I will do this later

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