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C H A P T E R - 7

I was going home even though am a lawyer and solve cases I still studying,
But that's not what upset me it's... yoongi.
I sigh and enter inside. Taehyung text me saying that I go to far with the teases I didn't know I always drop before I went to far but I wasn't with them so I see Yoongi face I was on the phone.
I put my shoes on the shoes stand and walk to the couch and fall on it.
"I need to apologize" I say to myself cover my eyes with my arms my feet was hang down from couch arm and I fall asleep.

Ring ring 🎶Did u see my bag 🎶🎶

I wake hearing my phone I pick it up seeing that it was namjoon
"Hyung hi" I say "kook we're you sleep sorry I will call-" I cut him off "No I mean yes but no I am already awake" I said knowing that can't go back to sleep.
"Oh well I just asking if y'all okay" I nod ",yes yes we good" knowing he can't see my nod "oh and Halmoni want you y'all over for dinner tomorrow"
"Okay we be there but I have to ask if Taehyung as time-"
"We already call him he ssid yes and Yoongi too" hearing Yoongi name mae me sad "I need to apologize"
"What?" I forget sm still talking to namjoon "Nothing"
"How was samchon doing" (uncle)
Chang the subject. "His doing good I guess"

Namjoon father is my my dad brother every since dad die he was like a father figure to me I don't know how my parents due but I will now that it was no car crash it was on fire before it hit the lake.
My parents got enemy's just because of the company or maybe some else the only reason I became a lawyer finding the truth but that will take time.

Knowing I didn't tell Taehyung the reason why I become a lawyer or what I think about our parents death but I don't care.
I will find out fo-
"Kim Jungkook!"
"Y-yes" I can come to reality look at my realize that it was not Joon I look up seeing Taehyung and hided Yoongi behind "Joon hyung we talk later I got to go" "okay be kook" the call ended.

I look up and wave "hi" I see Taehyung roll his eyes "what we're you think" I shake my head "Nothing just work" Taehyung was giving me that eyes "I will tell you later" I sigh out.
I look back of Taehyung "hyung can I talk to Yoongi hyung" I look p at tae he nod and take Yoongi him who didn't want to stay with me and went upstairs. "Hyung?" I call out he did reply back "yoonie come here please" I beg I hold his hand gentle and bring him with on the couch.
"Your kook is sorry" said hold him in my arms "I will never and I mean never tease u or hurt again" he look at me with hopeful eyes "so no hitting Yoongi" oh my so cute "Nice try hyung you give to much trouble"

He went to look away from me again "did u take ur med" he nod "can u forgive kook" I say giving puppy eyes with a pout he roll his eyes.
"Find but if you make me cry again no more forgives" I nod "but spanking don't count" I say Left him on the couch whining

To be continued....

609 words

My eyes hurt 3 storys in one day 2,265words in one day author jay is out 🤕

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