What are they're doing

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I was watching my two younger brother running around in the kitchen out of the kitchen to the living room.


I saw the confusion look kookie give to Taehyung it was funny.


But my question is what are they're doing."guys? Wha-" I didn't get to finish my sentence when Jungkook pick me up "w-wha u-" again I was cut off but by Taehyung "Yoongi. Why u out of the room" I was confused 'i can't get out of my room'

"I I wanted water" that was a lie l, I don't know why I came out of the room. Oh maybe because this teo idiot been yelling all morning. What am supposed to do stay and not be curious. Bullshit.

"I don't want u out of you room." What is going on here why Taehyung is saying that. Before I ask Jungkook start to walk back to the stairs "kook but me down" he didn't listen to me "Jungkook but me down why you guys doing this?" I ask start to get frustrated.

"Because we are cleaning out any sharp or anything that can bring you danger" Jungkook say with soro and pain in his voice, I didn't fight him anymore I just let him carrying me to my room.

Once we make it to my room I lay me down on the bed "love u hyung" I smile at that "love you to- wait I need my water" I pout and look up at him. He giggle and said "all right hyung am going to get you your water" I giggle "Yeah!" I watch as Jungkook about to leave but the door open reveal Taehyung walking in with "My water bottle"

I was happy... But there something inside that is not water "Taetae wha is hat??" I see Taehyung left up the bottle to look in there "ah this is milk" I pout "no milk" Taehyung shrugs and walk pass Jungkook but not forget to tell me something "keeping doing what we were doing down stairs, Jungkook nod his head but he didn't leave he look at him and watch Taehyung pass me the bottle.

I swear what are they're doing I shack my head and take the bottle.

I drink it but something is different about this milk it doesn't tested like normal but better "ae-ae?" Why do I sound different what is this

Yoongi was feel weird but bubble inside "ae-ae eel funny" Taehyung smile and look at Jungkook who also smile from ear to ear.

"Your slipping baby"

Okay this chapter is kinda short but it's getting some where need to spice it up u see am Caribbean we love the spice 🤩

the plot. Quess →

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