Yoongi been acting off

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It's been a few days since the picnic and things are normal, except Yoongi has been acting odd the past few days.

"Suga cube come down stairs" Taehyung said as he sat down on the couch. Taehyung saw that Yoongi was down "Yoongi hyung?" Taehyung stood up and walked up stairs he made it to Yoongi's door as he tried to enter but it was luck "the fuck" "Yoongi open this damn door you know it as to be unlocked"

Taehyung was mad as this point on tilll he hread coughing on the other said "Fuck" Taehyung ran to get the key and open the door Yoongi was on the floor with blood coming out of his mouth.







Yoongi was rush to a room when they strated to find out what worng with him 

Yoongi was lying down in a hospital bed with wires connected to him with a breathing mask on his face. Taehyung who was sitting next to a sleeping Yoongi with tears in his eyes said, "I should have known."

"It is not your fault, Taehyung am a doctor and owner of this hospital I should have now" Taehyung looks back at Jungkook who was on his knees Taehyung run to a Jungkook and pick him up "don't say that it's our fault we fail and let's not do it again" Taehyung see Jungkook nod his head "okay"

"I will call a doctor seen he my family member I can treat him, I all ways hate that rule" Jungkook shook his head walking out leaving Taehyung once again with Yoongi.

Taehyung walk to Yoongi"why do you always get your self in trouble?"

"I don't onow~" Taehyung jump back because of the voice "Yoongi"

"tae~~" Yoongi said crying Taehyung rush back to Yoongi and gold him gently in his arms "your okay, your in good hands now" Taehyung try his best not to cry "JUNGKOOK!"

In five seconds Jungkook was run in with tow doctor "WHAT HAPPEN" Jungkook yelled in panic.

"Nothing look he is awake" Taehyung said still going Yoongi in his arms

Jungkook let a sigh and tell his doctor to look on Yoongi "please no no no no leave me" Yoongi said shaking his head and his body was also shaking when Taehyung was trying to pull away "okay Taehyung just stay right there" Taehyung nod at that, Jungkook nod at the doctor but Yoongi was panicking aging

 "No no nononooo want my kook" Jungkook sigh "you guys leave everything and leave please" the doctors look each other and nod "yes sir"

Jungkook goes to Yoongi "Are you okay baby" Yoongi nod as he make a grab hands throws Jungkook "no I have to see what cause you to be like this okay" Yoongi look down sad but nod his head

"Okay Taehyung left up hyung shirt" Taehyung did just that "good. Now time to clean up your wounds okay"

"Mi sorry fi cut mi self" Jungkook and Taehyung hold in there tears "i- it okay" Jungkook Cruse him self "yeah but do you mind tell us why" Yoongi shook him head "no know" Yoongi down in guilty

Jungkook and Taehyung make eyes contact"no problem at all we will help you to find reason who you would cut your self okay"
Yoongi nod

"But tell us when u feel like to do this again okay" Yoongi mad

"Please use your voice baby"
"Okay Yoongi will tell Tae and look everything"

Taehyung and Jungkook smile"that our kitten" kiss his forehead "go sleep"

"You will stay with me?"

"We we won't leave you not again are ever"

They watch as Yoongi rally sleep.

Why did Yoongi cut him self (your thought give me ideas to continue 🙏😭

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