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tw: mentions of abuse later in the chapter!!

"what did you want to ask me?" namjoon asked, putting some water in the kettle.

"right..." you sighed. "i don't think it's as important as before, but i'm going to ask anyway."

like your best friend suggested, you wanted to ask him about bruce's reaction. you wanted another opinion on this, even though your boyfriend admitted that he was out of proportion.

"go ahead," he said, grabbing a cup from the cabinet. "is me moving around like this uncomfortable? would you rather talk while i'm sitting down?"

"no, it's fine," you smiled slightly. "anyway, how did your partner react when you moved into this house? were you with your partner then?"

namjoon stopped his movements. "uh... we weren't together when i moved here."

"oh... how did they react when they found out... wait... can i know their gender?" you asked.

"oh, right. uh, my, um, partner is a guy," he said, placing his cup on the table.

'navi was right,' you thought as you nodded. "anyway, how did they react when they found out you were living in a house filled with other guys?"

"huh?" namjoon asked. "what do you mean?" your question made sense to him, but it was still confusing.

"it's just... bruce reacted negatively. and i guess it's reasonable. i wouldn't be pleased if he was sharing a house with just women," you began to explain. "he wanted me to move out. which i think was unnecessary because bruce lives with women."

"are all of his roommates women?" he asked, and you shook your head.

"only three of his roommates are women. the rest are male. and seven people live in the house," you sighed. "i'm in a situation where he should be happy i was able to move... the last thing i wanted was for him to whine and tell me to move out."

namjoon poured some water into the cup with a sigh. "so, you asked me how my... partner reacted so you could see if the way bruce reacted is reasonable?"

you nodded.

"well... my partner... didn't react. fuck, how do i say this?" namjoon sighed. "i really don't know how to put this. uhm-"

he wasn't sure how to explain this. his partner not reacting wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the truth either.

"honestly, comparing how my partner and bruce reacted isn't the best option," he told you.

"why?" you asked, slightly tilting your head to the side in curiosity.

"people can react to the same things differently. but it doesn't mean someone else won't react the same way he did if they were in the same situation," namjoon explained. "though i do think him wanting you to move out was a bit of an overreaction, especially since it seems like you were in a situation that required you to move."

"you think?" you asked, and he hummed.

"what i said makes sense, right?" he asked. "i feel like i'm not good at things like this. sorry."

"no, no. what you said makes perfect sense," you smiled. "it's-"

your phone suddenly started to ring, cutting you off. "sorry, let me check who it is."

when you pulled out your phone and looked to see who was calling, your breathing stopped when you looked at the contact.

it was an unsaved number, but you knew who was calling.

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