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jimin leaned forward, chin resting in the palm of his hand as his eyes peeped over the menu to look at you looking at yours. a small smile grew on his face as he watched your face scrunch in confusion.

"jimin," you said, eyes still looking over the menu. "where the heck did you find this place, and what are the food and topic combinations?"

a chuckle left his lips as he heard you mutter, "what the fuck?" you were treating jimin to a meal to thank him for helping you with your last assignment and this one.

you weren't planning on asking him for guidance again, but when you and jinyoung got stuck a week into getting started, you blocked out the voice screaming at you to leave him alone and called him. jimin, being the kind soul he is, was happy to help. and he helped you two a lot, so to feel less guilty about calling him to help when he clearly had work, you decided to treat him to lunch.

'i need to start working again,' you sighed. at this rate, you'll run out of money to buy things you need. thankfully, most of the things you needed for food were provided by seokjin. but you needed to buy snacks for your separate cupboard, feminine hygiene products and more.

while you were lost in your thoughts, jimin took it as an opportunity to admire you. he was genuinely surprised when you knocked on his door and asked him if he wanted to go out and eat lunch with you.

"where did you find this place?" you asked, closing the menu.

"have you found something you'd like to eat?" jimin asked, ignoring your question.

"no, because everything sounds unappetising. who the fuck puts sardines and avocado on pizza?" you groaned, causing him to laugh.

"to answer your question, i heard some of the idols like to come here, and even though the food combinations sound atrocious, they taste good," he shrugged. "i didn't want to try eating here alone, and you asked to have lunch with me, so here we are."

you sighed and shook your head. "have you found anything you'd like to eat?"

"not really," he chuckled. he was too busy looking at you instead of the menu. "let's just ask the waitress to surprise us. she can give us what she likes or what people seem to enjoy."

seeing that was the best and only option you had, you nodded.


"park jimin, what did the waitress order for us?" you asked, looking at the large bubbling pot of mysterious soup.

"baek y/n, i don't know," he said, sticking a chopstick into the almost thick soup and swirling it around, trying to poke something.

"here you go, ma'am and sir," the waitress said, putting four buns on your table. "the chef told me to tell you two to eat the soup with the bread."

"excuse me, miss, but what is this?" you asked.

"honestly, i don't know," she confessed, scratching her nape, causing both yours and jimin's eyes to widen.


"i told the head chef there was a couple who couldn't pick something to eat, so he told me he had the perfect thing and whipped this soup up. i think you are trying something he'll add to the menu eventually. i'm not sure," she explained. "on that note, please tell me how it is. he would really appreciate some feedback."

you both watched the waitress walk away in shock.

"so we've become test subjects?" jimin snorted, pouring soup into your bowl using the serving bowl.

"seems like it," you said in disbelief before muttering a thank you when he put the bowl in front of you. "i'm not allergic to anything, but it's crazy they didn't ask..."

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