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and you would get over it in no time.

it's been two weeks since you ended things with bruce. when you got home that day, you blocked and deleted his number. that was the first step you took to help yourself get over him. a couple of days later, you took everything he had ever given you and threw it into a box before getting it delivered to his place.

right now, you were going through your gallery, deleting pictures you had of him and pictures you had taken together. you would've deleted them sooner but couldn't bring yourself to do it. every time you looked at a picture of the two of you smiling, you wished time would turn back so you could relive it.

"you have to do it, y/n," you groaned, sitting up. "you must delete these, so you'll have nothing to remind you of your ex!"

just when you were about to press the delete button, there was a knock on your door.

"come in," you said, turning off your phone.

"hey, y/n," hoseok said, leaning against the door frame. "you busy?"

"nope, what's up."

"well, the guys are planning on going out for drinks and dinner tonight, and we were wondering if you'd like to come with us?"

"will i not just be intruding?" you ask. "i'm not trying to... third-wheel- well, in this case, i would say eight-wheeling?"

"no," he chuckled. "remember when we wanted to have your welcome party? we want to do it tonight since we're in the mood to go out."

"oh," you said.

"yeah. you don't have to worry about third- no, eight-wheeling because it's not a date. we'll try not to be lovey-dovey to make sure you don't feel that way," hoseok told you. "so, are you down to go out tonight?"

"sure. where are we going?" you asked, getting off your bed. "so i know what to wear."

"we're going somewhere we can grill beef," he said. "the place isn't fancy, so you can dress casually."

"alright. i'll be down in a minute," you told hoseok, walking over to your closet. "since it's casual, it won't take long for me to find something to wear."

"alright, see you in a minute," he said before walking out and closing the door behind him.

while you were getting over your break-up, you became closer to your roommates. to get your mind off bruce, the guys would pull you into a movie night or board game session with them. whenever you felt like crying, they would lend you their shoulder. although things were still a little awkward, they weren't as bad as when you first moved in.

the person you trusted most in the house was yoongi, and compared to the others, you could say you felt most comfortable with him. after him would be namjoon and seokjin. you naturally got closer to namjoon because he drove you to school and you just found yourself getting more comfortable around seokjin. the three you still weren't used to were hoseok, taehyung and jungkook. jimin fell somewhere in between.

you hoped tonight would allow you to feel more comfortable with those three.


"so almost a month ago, someone new moved in," seokjin said, pouring some soju into a glass. "and things were awkward at first, especially because our new roommate turned out to be a woman."

"right," yoongi chuckled. "i remember not liking the thought of living with a woman."

"but you like it now, right?" hoseok asked, causing yoongi to playfully scoff.

"i wouldn't say i like it..." he said. "it's not as bad as i thought it would be."

"it's not bad at all," namjoon said. "having y/n around is nice."

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